𝒇𝒊𝒗𝒆, learn to love again

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the room remained silent as dozens of security personnel stood in the doorway trying to assess the situation. both the imp and the prince were stunned like deer in headlights. the situation between blitzø and stolas had never been talked about amongst the servants, most just thought they were good childhood friends and nothing more. so when they busted into the room and saw the small red-horned demon on the prince's lap, they thought something was wrong.

"oh for the love of satan, do you mind we're trying to have a moment here." blitzø groaned, trying to shoo the puppies away with the back of his hand. though the angered hell hounds didn't take kindly to the rude gesture.

"you.. i told you the prince didn't want to see a stubborn imp like yourself, when will you learn your place?" the hound snapped with a low growl leaving his lips. he motioned for the two much larger hounds to apprehend the much smaller demon who looked ready for a fight. but before the situation could escalate any further, stolas put a stop to the bickering.

"it's alright, he can stay with me for the night," the owl commanded, listening to the murmurs and quiet comments among the masses. it was obvious their relationship was more or less physical than the servants originally thought. climbing through the prince's window and being permitted to sleep in his bedroom, it was more than a casual relationship between friends, it was much more. the prince was sleeping with an imp.

"but your majesty, what will the seven rings of hell think if they knew someone as royal as yourself was fooling around with the underclass?" the hound tried desperately to reason with him, knowing with the large crowd of demons and servants crowding the doorway this news would without a doubt seep through the crack.

what would the press think if they knew someone from the goetia family was having carnal relations with someone so beneath him? his reputation would surely be tarnished, dragged through the mud, and leaving him outcasted.

"i do not care what anyone else thinks." he declared, raising his voice to the audience watching from afar. stolas turned back to blitzø who seemed star-struck by this new side of the prince he rarely got to witness. stolas loved him, and nothing in the rings of hell could change that.

"forgive me my prince, but this is an awful idea. this scum of hell doesn't deserve your affection." his eyes fixated on the imp who sat beside the prince. his canines showing as his ears lay flat against his head. if there wasn't anyone around to stop him he would've torn him to shreds.

"get out. you have no say in any of this." the owl narrowed his gaze. not liking how this mutt was treating his beloved with these inconsiderate words and hatred-filled eyes.

seeing that he crossed some sort of line, the hound tried to elaborate. "but prince stolas-" a whine fell from his snout.

"i said get out now," the prince stated, "and that is an order." one by one the guards and the other residents of the palace began to clear out. the hounds bowed as a sign of apology for their rudeness before hurrying back to their assigned posts.

stolas could already see the breaking news headlines. the palace has been trying day and night to keep the prince's affairs discrete and out of the public eye. but now, with the entire palace knowing his secret, it would be harder to keep it contained within the walls of this place. and yet, even with this crucial information getting out that could tarnish his reputation as a ruler, stolas didn't mind one bit. from now on he didn't care how the rest of hell saw him.

he turned to blitzø, who wore a worried look like a badge. "but- what happened to 'keep this on the down low?' aren't you worried some of those fuck stains might talk?" a string of concern followed his words, but despite this, the prince didn't seem bothered at all.

stolas reassured him with a smile. "i love you blitz, and no one is going to change that.." it didn't take long for their lips to connect once again. the stresses of the world were drowned in the sweetness. unable to think of anything else kept their minds clear of worry. they never took time to appreciate the small things like something as tiny as a quick peck on the lips. however, this was the first time in a long time that they didn't meet up for restless fucking till morning. it felt nice to just enjoy each other company.

soon after the kiss ended and they were back to sitting in silence on the prince's royal bed. stolas thought he may have overstepped his bounds, remembering how much blitzø hated talking about such sappy subjects like love and romance. but before he could apologize and take back the confession, the other spoke softly.

"i love you too you feathery prick." the prince could feel his heart warm. such simple words meant so much more than he could've imagined. taking a moment to embrace the imp in a hug while the other awkwardly patted his back. stolas didn't want to be caught shedding a happy tear.

"uhm- do you mind if we don't fuck tonight?" blitzø asks, confusing the prince's wholesome advances. but he would be lying if this didn't come as a surprise. usually, blitzø came over solely to take part in some late-night fun before leaving right after. this would be a first where he didn't come over just for sex, and the prince was actually glad. there was always a first time for everything. "oh heavens no, i don't mind at all."

blitzø let a sigh fall from his lip. "sorry i know how much you enjoy going at it till morning.. it's just.. today has been a lot. i'm fucking exhausted." the imp groaned as he fell backward onto the bouncy mattress. stolas took his rightful place next to the imp, his glowing velvet eyes gazing at the other with pure curiosity.

once blitzø noticed the owl staring he gave the other a puzzled glance. they never cuddled, a rule implemented by blitzø in the terms of their arrangement. but the prince wondered, maybe this just this once if he would allow it to slide.

he patted the mattress, inviting the imp closer which he hesitantly accepted. he was new to this whole relationship thing, which was going to take a little getting used to. the last couple of his exes were toxic and treated him like trash, so this would be a fresh start with stolas. he just needed to learn to love again.

the imp curled up next to the prince. allowing the owl's fluffy arm feathers to cover him, pulling him closer. it was strange, after all this time apart, blitzø almost forgot how soft the prince's fathers were.

blitzø closed his eyes, allowing himself to melt in the other accepting embrace. he snuggled up to the owl, realizing there was nothing to be afraid of, after all this was stolas. burying his nose in the feathers that cover the prince's soft chest. it wasn't long before he slipped out of consciousness in the other's arms.

stolas wore a pleased look, as he ran his slender finger along the imps delicate horns. not thinking much of it till he began to hear a low rumbling coming from blitzø. a soft vibration came from his throat as his tail smoothly glided against the bed sheets. he was purring. that only caused the prince to fall deeper in love with the sleeping imp. learning that blitzø felt safe in his arms was enough to make him crack a small smile.

knowing they were no longer just friends or fuck buddies. blitzø was his partner till the very end, and nothing was going to take that from them.

the end.

𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄, stolitzWhere stories live. Discover now