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“So, the results are going to be out today.” The voice of Present Mic echoed through the room.

Present Mic, whose real name was Hizashi Yamada, was sitting in a room with his high school friends, Shouta Aizawa, also known as Eraserhead, and Nemuri Kayama, aka Ms. Midnight.

“I can’t believe that kid performed so well,” Nemuri said, looking at the screen displaying the results of the top ten students. “There is a difference of nearly 200 points between first and second place this year.”

“I know, right,” Mic agreed. “I always thought All Might’s record would never be broken, but this kid broke the record by 96 points.”

“What are they even feeding kids these days?” Nemuri wondered. “There was another candidate who came really close to crossing 100 Points too.”

“Uh-huh.” Mic nodded. “Itsuka Kendo. The girl who saved the purple-haired one. I guess this year, we will have a lot of students with the potential to be great heroes.”

Aizawa looked at the screen with a disinterested look. His eyes went over the names and scores of each participant.

1. Izuku Midoriya - 294 Points (186 Villain Points + 108 Rescue Points)

2. Itsuka Kendo - 98 Points (45 Villain Points + 53 Rescue Points)

3. Tenya Iida - 90 Points (52 Villain Points + 48 Rescue Points)

4. Katsuki Bakugo - 77 Points (77 Villain Points + 0 Rescue Points)

5. Ejiro Kirishima - 74 Points (39 Villain Points + 35 Rescue Points)

6. Ibara Shiozaki - 68 Points (36 Villain Points + 32 Rescue Points)

7. Mezo Shoji - 60 Points (30 Villain Points + 30 Rescue Points)

8. Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu - 59 Points (49 Villain Points + 10 Rescue Points)

9. Fumikage Tokoyami - 57 Points (47 Villain Points + 10 Rescue Points)

10. Ochako Uraraka - 50 Points (28 Villain Points + 22 Hero Points)

Aizawa wasn’t impressed most of the time. But even he had to say that this year’s candidates had performed incredibly.

“Hey Nemuri,” Hizashi began, “Isn’t Midoriya the surname of the new model making quite a name around the Modeling Industry?”

“Yup,” Nemuri said. “Inko Midoriya, if I remember correctly. I am scheduled to sign a new contract for a joint Modeling Photoshoot with her this weekend. I guess I will ask her then.”

“He is most probably her son. You don’t get a lot of people named Midoriya out there.” Hizashi said before gesturing at Nemuri. “And what was that with the new Principal, Nemuri? You looked really pissed.”

Nemuri let out a frustrated sigh. “Uh, that old fart. He told me that my Hero Costume,” she said, making quotation gestures with her hand, “is too inappropriate for a school setting and that I should get it changed or resign from teaching.”

“Well,” Mic coughed into his fist, “He ain’t wrong. Your costume leaves too much skin exposed.”

“Just say that she is naked,” Aizawa pitched in dryly.

Nemuri slammed her palms on the table. “Hey, you bozo. I will let you know that I only intend to familiarize my students with the female body so that no female villain can take advantage of them.”

“And it has nothing to do with your S&M and exhibitionist tendencies?” Mic asked dully.

Nemuri’s face turned red in embarrassment. “Of course not, you fucking bozos.”

𝙸 𝙳𝙸𝙳𝙽'𝚃 𝙿𝚁𝙰𝚈𝙴𝙳 𝚃𝙾 𝙶𝙾𝙳, 𝙸 𝙱𝙴𝙲𝙰𝙼𝙴 𝙾𝙽𝙴 Where stories live. Discover now