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Y/n's Point of view:

I sat down at the desk preparing to write a letter to my childhood best friend Amelia, explaining to her of Padre's new position in the Ministry of Magic. And that we'd stay in touch. Even if it was a lie, I think we both need closure. I contemplated how to break such crucial information to Amelia, and how to explain that I found this out no less than a week ago. I don't want her to think I've known forever. The letter started with 'Dearest Amelia,' but I got no farther when I heard a small knock on the door before our house elf Mimi opened it. She bowed her head before continuing to pack my clothes into my luggage cases.

'Dearest Amelia,

I fear there is no other way to break this news as we leave tonight. last Monday my Padre got promoted in the ministry. It was wonderful news! We had a large dinner prepared by Mimi until he broke the news that his new position required him in Wiltshire. That means by the time you receive this letter, we are going to be in our new residence. I couldn't bring myself to write this letter any sooner. Unfortunately, this means we will not be attending school together. I will be attending Hogwarts. It's supposed to have excellent education, and they work tightly with the wizardry ministry. I just hope it's as good as it seems. Amelia, this means we won't see each other often, hopefully during the holidays if Padre's work allows it. But we're best friends, we have to stay in contact. Please let me know how your first day of school goes, I'll send you a letter with our new address and I'll tell you all about our new Owls, and our residence. Were not allowed to bring our owls with us, or Mimi. Mimi belongs to the Italian ministry, not the Wiltchester ministry. I hope to se'

I heard the door open again, and Madre appeared. She wore a green silk slip dress with her black fur coat, her blonde curls looking the same in every photo I've seen

"Y/n it's time to go," she said nodding at Mimi to exit 

"I'm just finishing a letter to Amelia. I'll be just a minute" I replied picking up the quill again

"No, Your Padre is ready, our luggage is ready, we must leave now Y/n." She said sternly before exiting the room

I nodded to her, putting the letter in one of my bags, hoping to finish it on the train.

I wore a simple white black with a full skirt and my family heirloom, a simple golden necklace with a small green diamond in the middle of it. Nonna gave it to me before she passed and I've treasured it since.

I walked down the grand staircase of my beloved childhood home, all our luggage already taken away by the house elves.

I greeted my Padre before we made our way to the train.


We sat down in an empty compartment just in time for the train to start its departure.

My Padre spoke up,

"Y/n are you excited to start your journey through Hogwarts? I hear it's quite a fantastic school" He smiled at me before continuing "I've worked with the Wiltchester ministry for a long time. And I've become acquainted with a now dear friend Lucius, once we find our new house Lucius has invited us over for dinner. He has a son your age, maybe you could be friends?" Padre suggested

"I don't understand why I have to throw my life and my friends in the past for your stupid job Padre. It's just not fair!" I said with my thick Italian accent

"Y/n. That is no way to talk to your father. We have all made our sacrifices" Madre shouted angrily

"Vanessa, she's losing her friends, she needed more notice," Padre said

"Alexandro I wanted to tell her when you found out but you had to get your affairs in order before you made the announcement. That is not my fault, yet she has no right to speak to you like that" She said back

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