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Y/n's Point of View:

I woke up to my house elf Holky setting down a tray of black coffee, creamer, and a creme-filled croissant

"Your breakfast, Master," She said bowing her head down quickly

"You're excused Holky," I said as she walked out. I ate breakfast while reading a book about transfiguration thinking about what I'd wear to the Hogwarts Express. I couldn't wear my robes to the Hogwarts Express, that's unprofessional. I decided I'd wear a white shirt with a green slip dress. I got up to do my hair, I thought about my first day at Hogwarts, with Draco by my side as I fixed my hair and got dressed. I went downstairs to greet my Madre, knowing Padre was already at work.

"Salve Madre," I bowed my head

"Ciao." She said shortly

"Madre I'm sorry about yesterday. Padre's job is important and it's not right for me to-" I started to apologize before she cut in "-not now Y/n. It's over, you said what you said." 

"You said what you said too. you can't act like you're completely innocent either." I shot back, my eyes widened, realizing what I said as I bit my tongue

"Y/n. I was going to accompany you today, but I will not anymore. I do not want to talk to you right now. Go away." she said flatly

I bowed my head and shut the door to the sunroom


I went through platform 9 3/4, finding the Hogwarts Express looking for the Malfoys. after a few minutes of searching, I found the blond and walked toward him 

"-Make me proud Draco" I heard Lucius say as I walked toward the family

"Oh, Y/n! Where is your family?" Narcissa questioned

"They couldn't attend." I smiled 

"Well it's good you're here, Draco was just about to get on the train," she said as I nodded and smiled at the boy. He smiled back, said goodbye to his parents and we entered the train together. We got in our compartment and sat silently until the train started

"So. How has your week been?" He asked quietly

"Boring. We just unpacked, yours?" I replied

"We did nothing, but that's typical. I'm just hoping that this year is eventful" He muttered

"It will be fun to finally get away. I feel like I haven't done anything but prepare for school." I complained 

"mhm" he said setting his head against the window while I read for the rest of the train ride


We arrived at Hogwarts and it was as beautiful as Padre told me it would be, Draco and I were looking at the large building with wide eyes before we looked at each other and smiled laughing and we ran in.

The architecture was like something I've never seen before, definitely not anything I've seen in Italy. We were guided to a main hall, a giant room with four long narrow tables, floating candles, and at the front of the room, a large table with chairs presumably for professors, and a stool with an old brown hat on it. Odd. Draco sat next to me as we talked until we were told to be quiet by the headmaster, Dumbledore. He had a speech about respect and welcoming the first-years before he got to the old brown hat. The sorting ceremony, where each first-year was sorted into a house: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Draco quietly told me how he wished to be in Slytherin. So I hoped that I could be too.

we waited for what seemed to be forever until Draco was called up, the hat took rarely a second before calling out "Slytherin!" And the Slytherin table cheered as he smiled at me before sitting down with his house. only a few more people later and I was called down. I stood up in front of all the people and it felt like everyone was looking at me. I nervously sat down as the hat was suspended above my head "Hmm Marino. Marino? Pure blood, but no family at Hogwarts. Cunning. Malicious. determined. Outta be. Slytherin!" The hat called out as Draco looked at me smiling, he saved a seat next to him for me. I walked towards the table

"Malfoy," I said grinning at him

"Marino." He replied laughing as I sat next to him. "I believe that your father and mine as well will be happy to hear about you getting in the same house as me." He added turning his attention away from the ceremony

I laughed "I guess they will be happy, won't they?" I said shifting my concentration back to the headmaster


Once the Ceremony and the amazing dinner were over we were led to our dorms and the prefects told us the code and helped us to our rooms. Now I'm sitting in a room with random girls I don't know as I unpack my stuff. Three other girls just introduced themselves:

Pansy Parkinson, a name Draco warned about me, he told me she is all over him at his family's functions.

 Aimee Perry, A pureblood witch who seemed very quiet.

Elina Wilson, A muggle-born, who seemed very distant and distraught by all of us.

I wasn't sure about Pansy, I like Aimee, and I can tell Elina and I will not be getting along. But I decided to be civil for now, and just unpack my books in peace until Elina got her books out and came over to my area holding a book.

"Hey Y/n, I'm just curious but why do you have so many wizard books? Have you ever read a romance book or like fiction, fantasy books?" She questioned

"Of course not. Those muggle books are forbidden in my house. Plus I'm not a Muggle. I wouldn't be caught dead reading a Muggle book" I said before placing my now finished transformations book on its place on the shelf

"It's a classic piece of literature, Les Miserables, by Victor Hugo. It's worth reading." She exclaimed

"No, No thank you. I'm not interested in being shunned by my fellow pure-bloods." I commented before exiting the room. I walked down to the common room, sitting on a small couch by the fire. Draco strolled in a few moments later and sat next to me.

"Who's your roommates?" I questioned 

"Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise. Not bad, they're all so stupid for me. You?" He said flatly looking at the fire

"Parkinson. Aimee Perry. and a Mudblood. Elina." I said with disgust Draco's face looking the same as mine

"Parkinson? Ew." He said rolling his eyes "And a Mudblood. Marino, how did you let this happen?" He asked fake-gagging

"She tried to give me a muggle book! Merlin!" I commented catching on to the terminology here over Italian slang

"Is she trying to get your family killed?" He said laughing

"Apparently. And how did a filthy mudblood end up a Slytherin?!" I sighed

"My father will hear about this, that's ridiculous." He scoffed

"Mine too," I said before standing up to write my parents a letter

"Well. See you tomorrow Marino?" He asked standing up too

"Of course Malfoy" I smiled before walking away to my room.


1st off I do not care if you don't like the attitude of Y/n because when i wrote this story I decided she was going to be a Bitch live with it ;P Also i am planning on making Y/n a 'total hoe-slut-faced-douchebag-bitch' in the next few years so if you don't want that do not waste your time. Anywasyssss love yall <33333333


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