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Y/n's Point of View:

I held a pleasant smile on my face as I walked back into my room and carefully shut the door, as soon as I turned around Parkinson shot me a disgusted glare. I, confused ignored the glare and went to my desk to write two letters.

'Dear Amelia,

             I hope you are soon to receive my letter and write me back.'

I started my letter knowing I hadn't had the guts to Owl my first letter, but I continued

'I just wanted to let you know that I've had a nice first unofficial day at Hogwarts. I've made a new friend, his name is Draco, his padre is in the ministry and good friends with my padre. I've already been picking up on English slang even though it's only been a week! I also got sorted into the Slytherin house, what house did you get sorted into? I want to hear all about your first day of school. I really do miss you, and I hope that we can meet up sometime. Perhaps during the holiday? I know I miss your little sister and your madre, and of course your padre. I miss your Famiglia very dearly. And I know deep down my Madre has to miss your constant company. Our new house felt incredibly empty without your presence. Have you met any boys? Are they cute? I've seen a few cute boys, but they are a bit older than me. And I'm not sure if I want to be known as the first-year talking to older boys. Also my roommates. Merlin, a dirty Mudblood is my roommate, alongside this wicked pureblood, and a very quiet pureblood girl. It's like they all hate me and I've never talked to them! It's absurd. I'm writing my Padre about this. It's weird without you Amelia, it's also weird being the only girl with an accent here. Everyone looks at me weirdly, they think I'm muggle-born. They think I'm weird, or just a spoiled rich girl. Though whos to say I'm not, but I can't be too spoiled if I can admit I'm spoiled right? Also Draco, he's absolutely charming! his family is loaded!!! His parents, a little cold but his mother, yes mother is what they call they're madres, but she is warming up to me. Our madres talked about marriage?!! Hes really nice to me, his parents like me, my parents like him, we're going to be best friends! Of course not over you, but my best friend at hogwarts. I personally do not like his hair, its gelled back and ugh. But if he gets rid of it, he has potential. you would like him Amelia I swear! Okay enough about me. How is your family? How is your life? How are your friends, I'm sure you've made a lot of new friends. You've always been great at talking to new people. Did Matteo ever grow his hair out like he claimed he was going to at our last family function? As always I love you dearly, and I hope to see you soon.

With love, 

Y/n Marino.'

"You do know it's rude to keep your light on when all of us are trying to sleep?"Pansy spoke up just as I started to seal the letter with my family stamp

"I'm terribly sorry Parkinson but I have a lot of letters to keep up with, I have a lot of friends to message. Enough friends that I don't have to worry about anyones silly light keeping me up. If we're living together you have to get used to this." I said turning my attention back to the letter, she let out a heavy grunt and turned over. After I finished freshly sealing the letter I added it to the drawer with my stuff to make letters and my other unsent letter; before starting my next letter.

'Beloved Padre,

           I am writing to let you know that I have made it into the Slytherin house, the same as Draco Malfoy. It's what his parents were wanting for him and he informed me that you should be proud of me getting into this house. I have had an amazing day, I hope your work is going well. My only complaint being that I have a mudblood as my roommate. And on top of that, she offered me to read a muggle book, this is absurd Padre. If you could I would love you to write a letter to the headmaster to change this arrangement. Her name is Elina Wilson. And I strongly dislike her. But please allow Madre to know I am still deeply sorry. Grazie.

Your Figlia,

Y/n Marino'

I sighed before folding up the paper, putting it neatly in an envelope to deliver tomorrow in the Owlery. I blew out the candle by my desk and changed into pajamas before deciding to read a few chapters of my book and go to sleep.


I was the first one awake, after a few minutes, I decided to get ready for my first official day at Hogwarts. I got changed into my robes and walked out of the bathing quarters to grab my books and letters. Before breakfast, I decided I'd stop into the library for a new book and to send my letters. By the time I got to the common room with all the things I locked eyes with Draco who proceeded towards me.

"Marino." He said tiredly

"Draco! How lovely to see you. You're up early." I commented walking to the library, Draco following me until he realized we weren't headed for the great hall

"Y/n you've missed a turn." He scoffed "I'm going to the library, then the owlery" I butted in heading towards the library as I heard him mutter "Of course you are."


"Marino if you stay in the library any longer we are going to miss breakfast." Draco sighed dragging me out of the library

"But-" I started "No. Owlery. great hall. Class. Speaking of which what's your schedule?" He finished as I stared at him shrugging my shoulders He grunted under his breath. Once we reached the owlery I grabbed the two letters, while he grabbed my schedule 

"Why don't we have any classes together? This is ridiculous" He exclaimed as I looked at the letters

"Marino. shouldn't you get those letters delivered?" He asked after putting back my schedule

"Oh. Yeah," I replied tying the letter to my Padre on my owl, Brisker's foot. 

"To Padre's house" I whispered before he flew off

"And the other letter?" Draco commented

"Io non è importante, è complicato Draco," I said, quickly putting away the letter. Draco looked at me with furrowed brows "Pardon?" I sighed "I. I left without notice, that letter was to my best friend. Which wouldn't make much sense to send it if I didn't send the letter explaining my leave." I clarified walking quicker to the hall, with Draco struggling to keep up with me. Draco dropped the topic stopping at the doorway before the great hall. He turned and looked at me with bright eyes,

"Ready for your first day at hogwarts Marino?" Draco asked before stepping into the great hall with me. 


Okokook let me cook it will get better this is just her backstory 4+4= ate. 


Heartless Slytherin (Draco Malfoy X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora