Part 5: Im such a fool

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Life is a mess. It feels like darkness. It feels like nightmare. Why do people keep telling me im fat? I get it.

People been bullying me to death. Whats their problem?

I never understand meaning of bullying. Why are you mad that im ugly?

Once they locked me into toilet. I was late to class.

It feels like im not okay. I dont what to say anymore. Here I am still in bed typing my story. Its 3:05 am. When will I sleep?

I overthink to much. I cant sleep.

Sometimes I wonder would life be better if people:
-dont bully

-personalitys> looks

People would actually be more comfortable.

I would make everyone learn about manners. I wish people would understand simple things.

Im a human.

Why do you bully me?

Im a person.

Why do you hate me?

Im a student.

Why are you mad bc I didnt bring my book?

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