Part 7: Childhood

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I feel like my childhood was a day ago.

I have school in 15 minutes but no way im going. People there are so mean.

I tought u was friends, but no.

My mum is forcing me to go, I just need to ignore them and focused on studying.

Because my bullys higest grade is D. And my, of course A.

I want to expose them so bad. I will. Nobody cant stop me.

1# bully

Name: Lea

Full name: Lea Grace Smith

Family: 1 mum, 1 dad, 2 brothers, 0 sisters, 2 grannys, 1 grandpa

Phone number: 63828960

School: Michigan High school

#2 bully

Name: Jane

Full name: Jane Cleves

Family: 1 mum, 1 dad, 0 brothers, 0 sisters, 1 granny, 1 grandpa

Phone number: 6893720

School: Michigan High School

#3 bully

Name: Anne

Full name: Anne Lana Cyrus

Family: 1 mum, 1 dad, 1 brother, 2 sisters, 2 grannys, 2 grandpa's

Phone number: 68532450

School: Michigan High School

I fully exposed them. They are so done.


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