The end pt1

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Today I will tell everyone I went to the bathroom to get ready but I almost fell.
Lady jiwoo you okay? Yes I'm just tired he nodded but was not believing me.

I chang into this:

I went out prince yo was waiting on me

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I went out prince yo was waiting on me. My dear are sure you okay? I smiled and grab his cheek yes my love he smiled at me okay well everyone is waiting on us I nodded.

We walk out to the lake I saw everyone there. Hello everyone me and lady jiwoo got something to tell you all. Go ahead wang so says yo clear his Throat so, me and jiwoo are going to get married.

Let's go everyone says I smiled I look around but, I saw prince wook face he look mad I just smiled let's celebrate my sis wedding eun says I laughed.

(Time skips) we all at the main hall were having fun just than I felt dizzy jiwoo are you okay? Wang so says but before I can say everything I fell down I hear people calling my name I than saw 4 moons again nooo please I can't go back but it went dark.

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