Chapter 2

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Hurt I wanted to help but wasn't shit I could do I walk out the room to the front door to catch the bus. I get outside and see the bus comin down the road. Sec later the bus pulls up we all gets on the bus. I make my brothers sit in the front cause if somebody tried  em it's was going down. Mins later we pull up at my school. I stood  up to get off the bus. As I'm walking to the front to get off the bus. this bitch bumps me hard as hell. I turn around and it was a hater her name is Sarah. Why u bump me she looks at me and starts laughing. I didn't do nothin I get off the bus I could see my bestie comin toward me. When she get close to me she could tell I was mad. She asked what was wrong. I told her about Sarah she doesn't like Sarah At all Sarah slept with her ex boyfriend.let me tell u about my bestie she ratchet as hell she all about her money. Her mama died when she were a baby her daddy is a pimp. He pimps out females. So all she knew was  getting money.  she loves fighting she would fight niggas n females. But anyways she walk over to Sarah and ask her what was the problem she start talking shit n laughing while her girls were hyping her up. before I knew it  all I could see was blood. Shayla hit the bit$$ in her nose hard as hell. I look at Sarah and start laughing now keep yo hands to yourself bit$$. We walk off laughing. we walking in the  school i see this Fine ass dude name Justin walk over to me. Damn All I could focus on was the pretty teeth n the print in those shorts. I had to snap back to reality. What up Justin ?! Ayyyeee can I see your homework for second block I couldn't say no.  He know I wanted him so bad. I pull the homework out my bag and hands it to him. make sure I get it back He walks off smelling so damn good. I walk to the bathroom to check myself out before I went to class when I open the door to the bathroom omg!!!!

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