Chapter 5

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Big ass vase n hit him over the head with it i quickly push him off me. Blood was flowing from his head I hope she didn't kill the mf! We run out the room I run down the hall way to my room and grab a couple of my things. I packed all I could. While I'm packing up my brother comes to the door n ask was everything ok ?! Yes I'm good I'm Just gonna go stay with Shayla for a few days! Well why daddy bleeding did y'all have a fight ?! No we didn't he hit himself cause was he mad. He look at me  confused I cut off the light n shut my door I could hear daddy crying like a lil bihhh I hug n kiss my brothers before I left out. when I get outside Shayla was waitin on me in her nice ass black jeep. I jump in n we headed out I was so happy I needed a break from that house I really did ! I couldn't believe my daddy I felt so nasty n embarrassed 😞 I was lost asf I started crying I needed to go see my mother I wanted to make sure she was ok. I wonder if Shayla would take me to the hospital. I look over at Shayla she knew I was hurting she told me that she would always be here for me no matter what ! I felt a lil better knowing that I got a best friend that care for me. Hey shayla would you please take me to see my mama at the hospital. Yessss girl I don't mind let's get you cleaned up first den we can go. Mins later we pull up to shayla nice ass mansion. Man when I tell you her house so nice We pull up to the gate that opens automatically after the gate opens she pulls up in front of the mansion we get out n head in her house. I felt classy as hell aww shit I'm gonna love it here when we get in the house her daddy was at the table reading a newspaper.  Hey Mr Smith how are you ? He looks up from the newspaper n smile Hey baby how are you I could tell he had a thing for me the way he was smiling at me. Oh damn let me get upstairs I wasn't even trying look at him like that. I would never do that to Shayla ! I walk upstairs to Shayla room she was  laying on her bed chillin she tells me to sit down beside her and tell her everything that went down today. I sit down on the bed and tell her everything. She starts crying hugging me saying that she had my back. It's not your fault I'm just glad you got me away from that house after talkin and stuff she gives me some clothes to put on so that I could go see my mama. I walk over to her nice ass bathroom and shutthe door so that I could get myself together. Before I came out the bathroom I look at myself in the mirror I looked so much better I was so thankful for Shayla. Shayla wasn't in her room so I went downstairs looking for her she was in the kitchen talking to her daddy I could hear Shayla and her daddy talking I stand at the doorway n listen for a min. I could hear him tellin her that I could stay how long I wanted to ! I started smiling. I walk in on them hey girl are  u ready ?! Yesss mam we walk out the door to her Jeep mins later Shayla gets a call she put the phone on speaker Shayla:what up who this ?!  Dude: Terrance one I knew it was one of her niggas ! She starts smiling n shit at the phone the dude wanted her to stop by the hood real quick she tell him that she would when she got back in town ! She  hangs up. mins later we arrive at the hospital Shayla parks we get out n walk up to the door we get to the front desk I give the woman my mother name she type it in on the computer she give me the room number I was so happy about seeing my mother. I open the door to the room we  walk in she was laying in the bed watching tv she looks and see that it's me.  she starts smiling hard as hell Mama: Hey Baby!!! So happy to see me ! Me: Hey mama are u okay ?! Mama : Yes I'm much better baby I'm just ready go home soon as she say that all the members hit me ! Should I tell her what happen or should I let it go.  I think right now wasn't a good time to tell her everything that happened I will wait to tell her. Mama: how are the boys ?! Me: Oh  great mama they are ready to see you ! After talking and laughing with my mama the door swings open oh who could this be..................

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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