Chapter One

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"What do you mean?" Ash asked me, I just looked away as I answered, "Very few ever gave me a chance... let alone a voice. I wish I knew why."
"Please, may I know who you are then?"
"Fine... my name is Hope."
"Wow... it really reflects you! I didn't know if Pikachu was going to be alright but you called out and gave me hope that he would be!"
"But my name is ironic... there isn't any for me."
"What do you mean?" Ash asked causing me to choke on my next few words, "I... I ha... I have... I have Au... I have Auti... I have Autism!" The fear I feel is indescribably large. I simply hope that he won't be mean to me... but I'm surprised when I feel a hand on both of my shoulders as he gently says my name, I look up to see a kind and caring smile as he goes on to say, "I've made friends from all over. Each with their own challenges. But it didn't change that I cared about them just as much as the others, I wouldn't care about what you have or what you do since I see you as a friend."

I felt startled as I looked down at Pikachu who nodded in agreement to it's trainer before I looked at Nyahoja who looked back at me with intent as she said, "Hope, your a blessing to Pikachu, Ash, and I but you just don't know it! Nobody else realizes the blessing and gift that you are, so just know that your an amazing treasure." The words Nyahoja chose along with her gentle tone made me smile internally as I looked at her. She's being sincere, and the way she loves me for me had already caused me to feel safe, secure, and known since she would protect me and care for and about me!

I see Ash's hand infront of me now as he says, "Let's go on an adventure together!" I don't understand why but something in me is telling me to go for some reason! I take Ash's hand and say, "Alright, I'd like that." I pick up Nyahoja in my arms as Ash does the same with Pikachu before we begin going off to Kalos. Once we get there I see an exhausted Greninja that Ash and Pikachu recognized and panicked about as I watch vine appear all over the place... as Nyahoja goes to touch one I stop her before touching it myself. To my, Nyahoja, Ash, Pikachu, and Greninja's surprise all of them vanished!

"That takes alot off of me! Now I really want to go with Ash no matter where he goes!" Greninja chimbed causing me to smile as I watch Ash, Pikachu, and Greninja.

Ash is so fortunate... he has so many loving friends while I don't have many.

"Hey Greninja, I just came to visit you. But after what just happened, I think that it's safe to say that the vine is gone for good... would you like to come with us? We're headed to Alola next to attend the Pokémon School there and just simply learn more and explore together. Do you want to come with us?" Ash asked which caused Greninja to give an eager nod! It obviously loves it's trainer for some odd reason. I nod at Greninja and say, “Yes, please come with us. You’re a great friend to Ash and Pikachu, and I’m sure you’ll be a great friend to me and Nyahoja too.” Greninja smiles and jumps into Ash’s arms, making him laugh. “Alright, then it’s settled. We’re going to Alola!” Ash says, holding up his fist. Pikachu and Nyahoja bump their paws against it, and I do the same with my hand. Greninja follows suit with its tongue, making us all giggle.

We board the next flight to Alola, and I can’t help but feel excited. I’ve never been to such a tropical place before, and I wonder what kinds of Pokémon and people I’ll meet there. I hope they’ll be nice and understanding, like Ash and his Pokémon. I look out the window and see the clouds passing by. I feel Nyahoja snuggling against me, and I hug her back. She’s my best friend, and I’m so glad I have her. She always knows how to make me feel better.

I close my eyes and imagine what Alola will be like. I see sunny beaches, palm trees, colorful flowers, and exotic Pokémon. I hear cheerful music, laughter, and waves. I smell coconut, pineapple, and salt. I taste sweet fruit, spicy curry, and refreshing water. I touch soft sand, smooth shells, and warm sun. I think Alola will be amazing, and I can’t wait to get there.

I just realized that I fell asleep with Nyahoja. I look out the window, we're starting to decend so I look at Ash, Pikachu, and Greninga who are beside me and notice that they are asleep too. I gently wake them up and say, "I think we're here." We soon got off the plane and met up with the person Ash stays with when he's in Alola... I know because Ash described him to me. Apparently Ash messaged him before we boarded the plane!

"So Ash, is this the friend you were talking about?" The person asked, Ash just grinned as he faced him while he answered, "Yea! She's really amazing!" The two began a conversation to my relief because I've been forcing myself to not stim! Nobody notices... except Nyahoja. "Are you okay? You seem off Hope." Nyahoja says before I pick her up! After I do so, I began to leave and find a space where I can be alone with Nyahoja and reset. As I walk, all I can do is think.

Nothing. Not even a clue. Why couldn't I even just have a heads up? A warning would've been great! Why didn't he atleast let me know we were going to meet someone there ahead of time?

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