Chapter Two

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I found myself feeling relieved in the middle of a field, sure it's just a clearing in the forest but I feel safer here. Nyahoja seems happy since there's sun in the field, then again why wouldn't she? She is known as the Grass Cat Pokémon afterall... but I can't help but to feel joy from the sight of her being happy as herself! I sat by the tree in the middle of the clearing, it's an Pecha Berry Tree but I'm finding that I just need some time just to recollect myself. Time only flies when your having fun, right? No, time flies when your resetting too.

Soon enough I noticed Ash, Pikachu, Ash's Greninja, the person that was with him before, two more people, what appears to be a flying Pokédex, and another Pokémon approaching. Nyahoja seems to have too because she's now back on my lap and purring like she was on the plane. I'm just relieved that I reset because the other Pokémon seems to be tracking my scent... I wonder what it is because it looks like a Lycanroc but it doesn't look like either form I know of. They get to the clearing and all of them look relieved that they found me! I'm still petting Nyahoja who is now asleep on my lap as Ash and the others reach me. "Thank goodness Lycanroc found you!" Ash chimbed.

So it is a Lycanroc. But then why doesn't it look like a Midnight or Midday form?

"Ash." I started before asking, "What form is your Lycanroc? It doesn't look like a Midnight form or a Midday form." "My Lycanroc is a Dusk Form Lycanroc!" Ash chimbed! He then looked at me with a concerned expression before, worry evident in his voice, asking, "Hope, why did you just run off earlier? You had me worried." Okay, now I feel bad. "Sorry." I said before saying, "I just needed a break from so many people... I didn't mean to make you worry." I'm now standing up, holding Nyahoja in my arms as she's purring and asleep while I continue to pet her. Ash then spoke again, "Oh, okay then! Anyways this is Professor Kukui," Ash gestured to the man from earlier as he said the name, he then gestured to the woman as he said, "this is Professor Burnet, this is Rotom Dex," he gestured to the flying Pokédex before gesturing to the small little one that the woman is holding as he said, "and this is Lei." Ash stopped gesturing as he said, "Their my family here in Alola!"

"Really?" I asked, Ash nodded with his usual grin before he said to me, "Come on! Let's go!" "Go where?" I asked as I followed them, Ash smiled as he said, "To the house!" I sighed, this is definitely new to me... having a friend and going on adventures. What else could be in store for me while I'm with him?

Before I know it, we're at the small house... I must've been really close to it. But it doesn't matter... I realize the mistake I made, I wound up revealing my secret to him by accident!

Why can't I ever just be myself without feeling scared, afraid, or worried that I'm going to be made fun of or laughed at? Why does it constantly feel like I need to mask? Have I lost myself somewhere a long time ago that I can rarely find now...?

I wondered the same three questions again... I'm surrounded by people that seem nice, but that's also how I usually ended up hurt. I went into the house because they invited me in... they all seem so warm and friendly but I don't know how that story will end if I do tell them. For now, I'm just going to have to mask and hope for the best... even if it hurts and drains me while wearing me out. I look down at Nyahoja who's still purring in my arms and I smile at her.

Nyahoja is just happy to be with me... she's just glad that we're together as a team.

I look around the space, small and simple yet cozy and welcoming in a warm and friendly tone. Again, I'm reminded of my first friend... yet still that friend betrayed me... all because I'm different. I'm snapped out of my thoughts at the sound of laughter... Ash's laughter.

Why could Ash be laughing? Is it at me? Did I do something wrong? I hope I didn't!

As soon as the panick rose, relief took it's place. Ash is just laughing at his Lycanroc pushing up against him and both quickly and firmly rubbing up against him. Maybe his Lycanroc is just different too? I'm not sure... but what I am sure of is that Ash is more than just what meets the eye, like I am. I look at the little kid, there's wonder and joy in his eyes as he plays with some other Pokémon. The woman looks happy to hear both Ash and the boy laughing as she cooks... I want to bolt again as the man approaches me, but I stop myself.

"Ash told me about you Hope. It's nice to actually meet you, I'm Professor Kukui however I also just go by Kukui." The man said, I mentally noted down his name even if it will end up being forgotten or I make a mistake on what his name is. I warmly greet him as warmly as I can, "Well it's nice to meet you too. The Pokémon I'm holding is Nyahoja, she's a Sprigatito." "Well it's nice to meet you too Nyahoja." Kukui said warmly to her, Ash's laughter stopped. I looked over at him and saw that his Lycanroc finally stopped rubbing it's rock collar against him... he seems to have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, acronym is ADHD, and possibly Autism, acronym is ASD but the official name of it is Autism Spectrum Disorder. They seem to welcome him alot and seems just as happy here... I start to wonder something...

Maybe I could someday fit in. Or even belong somewhere... as myself and not as someone else.

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