chapter one: joining cobra kai

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It had seemed like a great idea in Y/N's head, when she had first seen Cobra Kai at the Valley Fest demonstration, but now that she was standing barefoot on the mat, waiting to be called on to fight a seasoned Cobra Kai student, she realized she might've not thought this through entirely. 

Y/N looked around. Her heart sank. The dojo was made up of mostly boys, and they all appeared to be bigger and stronger than her. There was the girl with dirty-blonde hair to her left who was also new, but even she looked tough and ready to kick ass. The very opposite of her. 

Y/N's heart picked up speed. She imagined herself flat on the mat, bleeding. Bruises. Something worse. She imagined the pain she would be in. Her father's warnings echoed in her head, chastising her for taking such risks even though she knew what might happen.

Suddenly, anger overtook her, briefly blocking out her fear. Who did her father think he was, treating her as if she were some delicate, incapable child that needed to be protected. She was going to be a senior this year. She could handle herself.

Despite feeling slightly braver and calmer, Y/N didn't volunteer when Johnny Lawrence, their Sensei, entered the room and loudly demanded for someone to take on the champion. Moments passed in silence, and Y/N had just considered volunteering herself when the girl with dirty-blonde hair spoke in a loud, clear voice. "I'll take him on."

Y/N got a good look at her for the first time since she had arrived at the dojo. She was a pretty girl who looked to be about her age. Her face was full and round, and her pale skin clear. Her dirty-blonde hair was tied in a frizzy half ponytail, cascading down her shoulders. The most noticeable thing about her was her eyes. There was a fire in them that Y/N couldn't describe. 

"I saw your little demo at Valley Fest. You guys can put on a show." the girl continued. "But can you actually fight?" 

Y/N shook nervously as Sensei Lawrence walked past her to stand directly in front of the girl. His voice was dangerously low. "That sounds like a challenge."

The girl wasn't intimidated. "I like a challenge." she said with a smile. 

Y/N wasn't sure what to make of this. It seemed both brave and stupid to talk back to Sensei Lawrence. Y/N half-expected him to order the girl to do push-ups for talking back to him, but he simply nodded and stepped back. "Mr. Diaz," he called out. "Show Little Miss Hotshot what Cobra Kai is all about." 

Y/N moved back with the others to watch while a tall, good-looking Hispanic boy with dark skin and black hair stepped into the center of the floor, in front of the girl.

"Hey, look, are you sure you want to-" he started hesitantly.

The girl interrupted him with a good, strong kick to his side, sending him stumbling backwards. 

"Alright." the boy said, his face hardening suddenly. "Game on." 

The girl began to swing at him, employing every strike possible. She moved aggressively and she moved fast. Lucky for the boy, he was quick enough to dodge most of them because every punch seemed to be thrown with the intent to destroy.

She had seemed like just another pretty girl seconds ago, but now fighting had transformed her into someone rather mesmerizing to Y/N. She was enticing, captivating, with the look of fierce determination on her face, her hair swinging as she moved, and the sweat dripping down her face. 

The girl threw a frustrated kick at the boy, only for him to dodge it again. "What else you got?" he challenged.

She charged at him again, attempting to throw a kick. It was a perfect kick, or it would've been, if he hadn't anticipated it and caught her leg, easily throwing her to the ground. 

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