chapter five: brawl at the mall

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After practice, Miguel, Hawk and Aisha and some of the Cobra Kais had gone to Applebee's for dinner. Aisha had invited Tory and Y/N to come, but Y/N had had to decline the invitation. She needed to go to the mall with her dad to pick up a gift for their grandmother's seventy-eighth birthday.

"I don't see why you need to come in with me." Y/N scoffed. "I'm capable of finding my way through a shopping mall."

"And have you walking around by yourself in there with God knows who?" her dad said. "Absolutely not."

"You act like we don't live in the safest and richest part of the valley." Y/N pointed out.

"That's enough." her dad replied sharply. Y/N didn't say anything back, not wanting to get grounded.

They walked together through the mall and all Y/N could do was pray that no one from Cobra Kai would see her, especially not Tory. Tory had specifically said she saw her as someone who could stand on her own two feet, someone who didn't need her dad to bail her out. Seeing her at the mall with her dad would completely contradict that.

"Wait here." Y/N's dad told her as they stopped in front of a jewelry store. "Don't go anywhere."

"Okay, Dad." Y/N said, rolling her eyes and quickly hoping her dad hadn't seen. 

She hadn't even been standing there for a minute when suddenly someone collided sideways with her, knocking her to the floor. Y/N looked up to see a tall, skinny raven-haired boy with a look of fear on his face.

"Sorry, sorry!" he apologized, holding his hands out. He glanced to the right. Looking as if he'd seen a ghost, he suddenly sprinted off in the other direction. 

Y/N shook her head. Some people could be so strange. 

Seconds later, she heard the sound of heavy footsteps and shouts. She looked up just in time to see Hawk and a group of Cobra Kais sprinting past the store, following the raven-haired boy. His blue mohawk was gone. He had apparently opted for a bold, flaming shade of red instead. 

Her dad had told Y/N to stay where she was, but curiosity got the better of her. Keeping at a distance, she followed Hawk and the others through the mall, having to jog to keep up. 

She watched the way Hawk called to the others, commanding them. Miguel may have been their top student and champion, but it was clear who was the leader among the Cobra Kais. 

Hawk and the others finally came to a stop in the food court. Y/N watched from a safe distance as they circled the raven-haired boy who had bumped into her earlier. Hawk had a scowl on his face as he approached the boy. The boy tried to back away, but one of the Cobra Kai boys, whom she recognized as Mitch, grabbed him. 

Y/N gasped. Hawk trying to beat the shit out of her in a sparring match was scary, but him going after one person with a gang of five was something else. Then there was the way they all seemed to follow his every move. 

Hawk moved to strike, but before he could throw a punch, a brunette girl leapt out of nowhere, pulling Mitch away from the raven-haired boy. She was followed by a boy with long, dirty-blonde hair. Y/N saw the girl's face and instantly recognized her as Sam, the girl who had accused Tory of stealing the wallet. 

Sam and the blonde boy stood protectively in front of the raven haired boy, facing Hawk. They appeared to be saying something to each other, until Hawk threw a kick at Robby. Robby blocked it, before knocking one of the other Cobra Kais away with his elbow. Rickenberger, a tall guy in an orange shirt, came at Sam but she grabbed his arm and ducked under, before throwing an elbow strike to his stomach. Mitch tried to rush her but she kicked him with enough force to send him stumbling backwards. Rickenberger aimed a kick at her head, but she ducked and struck him in the knee with a fast spin-kick.

The blonde boy seemed just as good at fighting, effortlessly delivering a kick to Hawk's chest. He and Sam moved in a circular motion, forming a sort of protective ring around  Every time one of the guys or Hawk moved in on the raven-haired boy, they were there to protect him.

Sam eventually kicked Rickenberger with a mean roundhouse kick, knocking him out, and finished Mikey with a hard kick to the chest. 

Hawk's eyes were smoldering with fury and Y/N thought it was lucky that she was a safe distance away, watching the whole thing. 

He charged at Robby, leaping high into the air with his fist raised, but Robby spun around just in time, his foot catching Hawk across the face and knocking him to the ground.

Y/N, though she still didn't like Sam's attitude towards Tory at the beach club, was glad she and the blonde boy had intervened. Y/N didn't know what it was about or what it was over. Bu there was also the fact that Hawk had led what amounted to a gang assault on someone. Y/N even didn't know what had set Hawk off. She personally didn't think there was any reason to do something like that that, no matter how mad she was at them. 


Y/N nearly jumped out of her skin. The brief fear she had felt turned into annoyance as she turned around and saw her dad.

"I told you to wait outside for me." he said furiously.

"I had to use the bathroom." Y/N replied defensively.

The drive back home was silent, as it usually was when her dad was angry. Y/N didn't even know what he was so angry about. Yes, she had lied about using the bathroom but that was only because he'd flip out and pull her out of Cobra Kai if he knew the real reason. And it's not like she would have have gotten hurt. She was a safe distance away, watching the fight. Hawk and the others didn't even know she had been there. Not that it would matter to her dad. And if he didn't know she was lying, why was he mad at her for leaving just a few minutes before him to use the bathroom?

Y/N looked out the window, secretly fuming. She couldn't wait until senior year was over and she was in college. In just a year's time, her dad wouldn't be able to control her. She would be an adult. She would finally be free. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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