chapter two: an invitation and an opportunity

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Y/N and Tory, the other girl who had tried out, were informed that they had been accepted as part of Cobra Kai, and had been given their training gis, a belt and a set of white pants and a white top that were loose enough to move around in. The top had Cobra Kai's snake icon printed on the back. 

After class, Y/N stopped by the bodega next door to buy some snacks while she was there. She decided to buy some chips and beef jerky. She was examining a bottle of red Gatorade when a voice spoke behind her. "That's impressive."

Y/N turned around to see Aisha standing there, a shy smile on her face.

Y/N was sure Aisha was referring to the fight. "Not really." Y/N said. "I kind of just flailed around not knowing what I was doing most of the time."

"No, but at the end that was smart." Aisha said. "Using his own strength against him like that. I wouldn't have thought of that. You did pretty good out there with absolutely no prior training. I'm Aisha by the way." 

"Thanks." Y/N said with a smile. "I'm Y/N." 

"So, are you going to West Valley High? Most people in Cobra Kai are students."

"Yes, I'm going to be a senior, so I will be this year." Y/N answered. "Thank god because at least that way I'll know a few people. That's much better than going into school knowing nobody." 

"I think you'll be okay. There's a few bullies, but with Cobra Kai, you should be able to defend yourself easily." Aisha said cheerily. 

Y/N couldn't honestly say she had been bullied before, but still, the idea that she could protect herself from it should it happen this year gave her a new kind of security. Her prior nervousness about starting at a new school suddenly vanished. 

"That's good to know." Y/N said.

Y/N checked her watch. Her dad had said he would pick her up at noon, as they were going to the beach club for lunch. Y/N would rather be anywhere else, but her dad had insisted. 

"I'd love to stop and talk more, but I have to go soon." Y/N told Aisha. "My dad should be here soon. I have to go to the beach club with him." 

"Oh, me too." Aisha sympathetically. "My parents are going as well. They insisted on me going, even though I really don't want to. 

"Why does every rich person in the Valley want to go to the same beach club?" Y/N wondered. "Is there nowhere else to hang out?" 

"I honestly don't know." Aisha shrugged. "But hey, if you're there, maybe it won't be so bad. At least that way I have someone I actually know instead of just my parents' friends." 

Dad: i am here. come outside now

Y/N groaned. She could've been at home, studying, reading or doing something productive. The last thing she wanted was to be at the beach club with her dad. Still, it wasn't like she had much of a choice. 

"Let me guess? Dick pic?"

Chuckling at the abruptness of the comment, Y/N turned around and saw Tory walking towards her, a light, humorous grin on her face. 

"No." Aisha replied. "Our parents want us to go to the beach club with them." 

"Oh my god." Tory said sarcastically. "That sounds so miserable." 

Y/N realized how whiny she and Aisha were coming off as, and she rushed to fix it. "" she stammered, suddenly flustered for no apparent reason. "We didn''s not like that. It's just that I don't really get along with my dad that well, and sometimes spending time with him is just so painfully awkward." Y/N quickly realized she was incoherently rambling and stopped talking. 

"Speaking of awkward, this girl Sam is probably going to be there." Aisha added. "And she and I are not on good terms." 

The bracelet on Tory's right wrist caught Y/N's eye. Looking closer, Y/N saw that the bracelet had several studded metal spikes. Tory could take an eye out with that. It looked dangerous, hazardous.....and badass.

"That's a cool bracelet you've got there." Y/N complimented. 

"Oh this?" Tory giggled. "It's not for show. Some creepy guy at the mall tried to grab me once, but I managed to block him and give him a gift he'll never forget." 

If Tory had been enticing before, now she was absolutely captivating. She had fought back against what was nearly every girl's worst fear. "That's so brave of you." Y/N said. "Honestly, if I were in your shoes, I'd probably panic." 

"And you already seem like you know how to kick ass pretty well. What do you need Cobra Kai for?" Aisha questioned.

"I've had a couple kickboxing lessons." Tory explained. "But I've always wanted to smash boards blindfolded." 

"Oh, you saw that." Aisha chuckled. "The secret is that there's little holes in the blindfolds."

Y/N's phone pinged again. She didn't have to look at it to know that her dad was still outside, probably getting impatient.

"I should get going." she said. "My dad's outside." 

"Me too." Tory said. She started to walk away. "Wait." Aisha called out. "Would you want to come to the beach club with us? Y/N and I could totally use some backup."

Tory paused and considered her options. "I guess I could suffer a day at the beach." she said graciously. 

Y/N grinned. Being around her dad was insufferable nowadays, especially at the beach club, but having Tory and Aisha would make it somewhat tolerable. "See you there then." she said, before walking out of the store. 

The drive to the beach club was silent. Y/N didn't say anything, scrolling on her phone, until her dad initiated the conversation. "You know," he said. "I don't really like this Cobra Kai thing you're doing."

"Doesn't seem like you like anything I'm doing nowadays." Y/N replied saucily. 

"I don't need your commentary. There are more productive uses of your time." her dad continued. Y/N stifled a sigh, sensing another lecture coming. "I'd much rather you do something that will help you prepare for college rather than playing kung-fu on the weekends." 

"Karate." Y/N corrected him, without looking up from her phone. 

"If this interferes with your studies, I'm pulling you out of classes. And that's final." her dad continued. "I only agreed to pay for these classes because I thought this was an excersize studio, and I'm only agreeing to pay for them provided that your grades don't slip." 

"Okay dad." Y/N said, rolling her eyes. She had already had this lecture about a thousand times. 

"Don't roll your eyes at me." her dad said sharply. "I'm the one paying for your classes. You listen to me." 

 They arrived at the beach club. Several of her dad's co-workers greeted him, and Y/N as well. Y/N feigned her enthusiasm, responding with a polite "Nice to meet you" like her dad had taught her to ever since she could talk. Y/N caught sight of Aisha, standing next to her parents, and was relieved. In a moment, the adults would sit down to talk to each other, leaving Y/N free to spend some more time with Aisha and Tory. 

Soon, the adults were laughing loudly at some joke Y/N's dad had made. Seeing her chance, Y/N slipped over to the balcony to join Aisha and Tory.

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