chapter three: a beach club, a missing wallet and a table of pastries

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"This isn't the beach." Tory said as the three girls stood on the balcony overlooking the rest of the beach club. "Where are the homeless dudes and the guys shoving shitty hip hop demos in your face?"

Y/N chuckled at her remark. "Don't worry." Aisha replied. "They'll come out when they pass out the hors de'ouveres." 

"Fun." Tory commented. "I'm going to go look for the bar. I'll be back in a second."

Y/N and Aisha got some food from a nearby table. Aisha asked her what she thought of Cobra Kai.

"I thought it was an excersize studio. Like yoga and all that. The only sport my dad approves of me doing." Y/N chuckled. "We found out it wasn't, but I still wanted to go anyways, and I convinced my dad by telling him there's no physical contact." 

"No physical contact in a karate dojo?" Aisha laughed.

"Shh, he doesn't need to know." Y/N said. "I walked in, and I think the first thing I thought was that my dad would definitely disapprove of this." 

"Well, do you approve?" Aisha questioned. 

"Yes, I do. And that's all that matters at the moment." Y/N answered lightly. 

"Hey." a soft voice said from behind them. Y/N turned around to see a small, brunette girl dressed in a pink and blue beach wrap. 

"Hey." Aisha replied dryly. 

"So how's it going?"

Aisha finally turned to look at her. "You realize we're not okay, right?" she pointed out. Y/N looked at the girl, realizing this might be the Sam that Aisha had been talking about. 

"Are you Sam?" Y/N asked. The girl didn't reply, but she nodded and continued talking to Aisha. "What are you mad about?" she continued. "You're the ones that stomped all over our Valley Fest demo." 

"Only after your father attacked our dojo." 

"He didn't attack you guys." Sam insisted. 

"No? Snake in the grass?" Aisha said, raising her brow. "Real subtle." 

"He's just trying to do the right thing." Sam protested feebly.

"So Cobra Kai is wrong?" Aisha demanded.

"It's not wrong, it's just.." Sam trailed off.

Y/N looked back and forth between the two girls, unsure what the argument was about. Their dynamic made it obvious that they had been friends, or had at least known each other until they had had a falling out. However, Y/N had little knowledge of the context of the argument so she stood there, cluelessly.

Sam seemed to realize this too. "What are we doing? It's our summer vacation. We're at the beach and we're fighting about karate." Sam pointed out. She finally turned to Y/N, apparently finally choosing to acknowledge her existence. "And you most definitely don't know what this whole fight is about anyways." 

"Well, if you two made up this easily, it couldn't have been anything that bad." Y/N remarked.

"We should be fighting about boys instead." Aisha said. 

"Or who's going to get the last piece of pretzel bread." Y/N added jokingly.

"Oh no, that's mine." Aisha said, grabbing the piece before Sam or Y/N could, causing the two girls to laugh. 

"Look what I got."

Y/N didn't have to turn around to know it was Tory. As Tory sidled up to them, Y/N noticed a bottle tucked under her plaid-red jacket, and recognized it as a brand of vodka. Immediately, Y/N's heart was racing. What if the adults noticed? Her dad would go absolutely nuts. 

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