Take my soul, for you own it

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Much to Vox's surprise, Intel was the first of them to exit the elevator. The young sinner stepped out carefully, like a doe inspecting a road before crossing. Hellborns and imps flowed around him, scuttling for their freedom and taking their little lives with them. Little. Vox repeated that word, turning it over against his silent tongue. Starting today, he had no more than a little life too. His days of attending meetings and ordering champagne on the rocks were no more. Sooner or later, VoxTech would crumble and the power vacuum left behind after the Vees' vanishing would be refilled by other sinners looking for a power grab. 

Across the way, Intel smiled at them and gave a thumbs up. According to the little deer, the coast was clear.

"Do your thing, Voxxie," Velvette whispered, bumping Vox's elbow with her shoulder. They still needed their ticket out of there.

Vox inhaled, closing his eyes. This place's network felt a lot different. There weren't as many bright lights, but there were more neons. He could almost taste the helium and mercury on his tongue as he shuffled through them all. Then, he severed their connections, casting the transit station into darkness. The crowd around them wailed, annoyed and enraged.

"Great work, darling," Velvette said, jumping at his side. "Intel, dear? Over here!" They worked through the rushing crowd, locating a very lost Intel before weaving toward the doors. It took a bit of luck, but once they were outside, Vox was finally able to breathe normally.

Lust was a lot darker than Vox expected. Not "dark" as in a tomb or a casket decorated in rosary flowers, but instead as dark as a Vegas spring night. The neon lights surrounded them, illuminating the fringes of their clothes and the edges of their chins. Lovers lingered in alleyways and on street corners– customers watched from afar, too nervous to make their moves. It was an entirely different world, one that Vox had left when he boarded that plane to Tulsa.

Velvette squealed. "We did it, babes! Now c'mon," she beckoned, pulling them down the street. "I wanna explore before we shack up for the night."

Intel looked at her, tugging at his collar. "I'm not sure that's the best idea, Ms.-"

"Ope," Velvette quickly interrupted, voice hushed as a trio of hellborns scurried by. "We're still in public, dear."

"Oh, umm," Intel stuttered, cheeks flushing. "M-Mom?"

Velvette laughed, and it was the sweetest thing Vox had heard all day. "You're just the cutest thing. That's better, dear."

The blushing got worse, and now Vox was doing it as well. He composed himself against her marbled charm and agreed with Intel. "He's right though, it's not the best idea. Intel can pass for a hellborn, but we're undeniably sinners."

Velvette winked before starting down the street. "There's a reason I chose Lust, darling."

A tilt crept into Vox's neck, and his flat head followed. "Care to share with the class?"

Velvette laughed again, teasing him. "No."

As she led them down the street, Vox couldn't help but watch her walk, the way her arms swayed at her sides and her smile lingered each time she looked back at them. Every time they passed by a boutique, she stopped to snoop through the window. When the street performers played their fine tunes, she tossed them some change. She was a city girl, a tourist, a runaway flower child. Vox found himself yearning for roses if only to watch her braid them into her lush hair.

Vox spent the day like that, chasing after the heart on his sleeve before it could run away from him. Before it could run to her, the incredible woman now only he had the privilege of knowing. That evening, they passed by a food market serving fresh lemon pastries. Velvette ordered three, handing the spare duo to her trailing companions. When she passed Vox the bittersweet pastry, his circuits flushed, Intel stifled a snicker, and Velvette grinned. Her actions were clearer than the crystal windows they passed, and every sultry step screamed, "Look at me. Look at what I can do to you."

Oh, Sinner (A Vox Hazbin Hotel AU)Where stories live. Discover now