Chapter 2

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The only time I find myself impatient is when some fucker can't even get the words out of their mouth and that is without all the things I can do to them in order to get the information I need

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

The only time I find myself impatient is when some fucker can't even get the words out of their mouth and that is without all the things I can do to them in order to get the information I need. The stuttering of pure nonsense makes me grit my teeth. Not only is he wasting my time but he also wasted my product as well as the time of my employees.
I narrow my eyes at him as he tries to beg on his knees.
I stand from my chair and button my jacket. Watching as the terror in his eyes grows which makes me smirk. The only good thing that can come out of this is my enjoyment of his suffering. His body shakes out of fear when I take a step to the side and walk past my desk and towards him.
Standing in front of his pathetic ass I look down at him. Showing that I will always be on top and men like him will always bow down.
"Give me the information and maybe you'll see how merciful I can be. Refuse and I shall show you agony worse than death and even if you would beg me for the sweet release of death you would never get it..." I stop, careful enough to make certain that my threat is heard and running through his mind like a plague slowly and deadly consuming the body from the inside out and leaving only an agonizing corpse in its wake.
I scoff. Then I bend down and force him to look up at me. Holding his jaw so tightly that I might bruise the bones.
"I can keep you alive for as long as I want and all you would feel is pain. The torture you would endure I would not wish on my worst enemy. And I am a man of my word when I say that I will either make you suffer or set you free. It all depends on what I get in return. For you see nothing in this world comes for free, not even freedom"
Within his eyes, the gears are turning.
My threat is finally doing its thing. One would be surprised how many cowards live in this world and yet that is my advantage. Mortals would do anything to avoid suffering and the more serious the threat is the more they are willing to spill. Such fools but then again mortals were created to be lesser than anything else.
"Now... shall we try this again? Who is your supplier and where can I find him?" I let go of his jaw and nearly threw him on the ground while doing so. A whimper escapes past him and his gaze returns to look at the floor. Afraid to face me again.
He opens his mouth and a stutter comes out but then he clears his throat with a rasp before he manages to choke out some words.

    He opens his mouth and a stutter comes out but then he clears his throat with a rasp before he manages to choke out some words

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Was that necessary?"
Sharply I eye Wyatt but he is unfazed by it after years of serving under me. I raise an eyebrow at him and he rolls his eyes. Leaning against the wall he takes his cigarette case from his pocket. Taking one and putting it in his mouth he then fishes a lighter and lights the cigarette. He takes one puff and then holds the cigarette in between his fingers. "Throwing him to the sharks" Wyatt speaks the obvious.
I let out a chuckle and take a sip of my whiskey, the burn comforts my throat that aches to not drown myself in a bottle of this stuff.
"There are far more dangerous creatures than sharks. I stand by my word and I showed him mercy. Never did I specify what mercy would include. Call it a mutual arrangement if you will" I explain. Something I don't enjoy doing since explaining the obvious means I have not made myself clear enough. I will however let Wyatt off the hook because he does this to rile my patience. Testing me even after years, seeing if I have a breaking point. Mortals are hilarious that way, always with a hidden agenda that includes the fall of the other party.
The room fills with smoke but neither of us is bothered by it. The smoke of toxic chemicals that will eventually lead to death is inviting to my senses.
"Seems a bit extra if you ask me" He shrugs. "I didn't," I tell him with a warning tone. Having him push my buttons after the unfortunate incident earlier this evening is not on my list but it would seem it is on his.
"How is Ara?" I ask, changing the subject before he can push any more information out of me.
I lean back in the chair and hold the glass in my hand, swirling the little liquid left in it. Eyeing Wyatt while I do. Showing not the concern I feel about my employee and the event that had to take place before I interfered.
Always have I prided myself to be in control of everything that goes on on my property but one tiny little squirmy worm managed to get past it. Forcing someone under my protection to take an substance unknown and therefore disrupt my business. They are getting greedy and want what I have but when you mess with fire you're going to get burned and I so enjoy watching them scream when I have my way with them. Until they get the message that no one can cross me and live to tell the tale. That fucker was only a pawn and to checkmate a few pawns have to be eliminated because all of this is part of a much larger game that I intend on dominating.
"Shaken up but that is expected. She should make a fast recovery and be back to work in no time" Is all he says and appears to be the only thing he knows about her welfare. Wyatt does not know how I see through his words and the concern he ever so desperately tries to hide from me.
I smirk. "Keep me posted"

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⏰ Última actualización: Feb 10 ⏰

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