The new guy

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The morning had turned cooler as I walked Anna to her apartment, my promise to guard against any unwelcome rodent visitors hanging between us.Anna unlocked her apartment door and entered, followed closely by me. The apartment was modestly furnished, with a cozy ambiance.

"I won't take long," Anna said, her voice tinged with a hint of nervousness as she headed towards her room to change. "Just... keep an eye out, okay?"

I nodded, positioning myself with a casual lean against the wall near the door, my eyes scanning the room not for pests, but for anything that might be out of place in the comfortable environment. The trust she placed in me, to protect her even in such a small way, wasn't lost on me.

"William!" Anna called out, interrupting my thoughts.

"Yes?" I answered, turning towards the doorway of her room.

 "I really hate to ask, but could you... could you maybe come and stay in the bedroom with me while I change? I'm really freaked out."

I walked toward Anna's bedroom, my footsteps quiet on the wooden floor. Her request surprised me, though I understood her unease.

"Sure, Anna," I replied gently, entering the bedroom where she stood, nervously fidgeting with the hem of her sleeve. "I'm here."

Anna turned to face me, her voice a mix of gratitude and nervousness. "Thank you for this. I just feel a lot safer now. Could you, um, turn your back for a bit while I change?"

"Of course," I said, turning around and focusing my attention on the wall opposite her. I could sense her relief as she changed behind me, the tension in her body easing as she trusted me to keep her safe.

After a moment, she said, "Okay, you can turn around now."

I turned around to find Anna now dressed in a very short skirt paired with a blouse that accentuated her curves, a stark departure from her usual attire. I couldn't help but take her in, from head to toe, more than once. A mixture of surprise and admiration rushed over me.

"Are you going out like that?" I found myself asking, the question laced with concern that I hoped didn't sound too judgmental.

Anna glanced down at her outfit, a flicker of insecurity crossing her face. "Is it... bad?" Her voice trailed off, hesitant.

"No, not at all," I quickly reassured her, stepping closer. "You look great. I was just surprised, the skirt is quite short that's all."

She offered a small, somewhat self-conscious smile. "I'm not really used to wearing clothes that show so much.Maybe I should just change. You're just being nice."

I shook my head, placing a reassuring hand on her arm. "No, I mean it. You look beautiful and I'm trying my best to keep my eyes off you."

Anna's eyes widened slightly at my blunt honesty, a mix of surprise and something else perhaps a flicker of confidence dancing in her gaze. "Really? You think so?" She sounded more assured now, a smile teasing at the corners of her mouth.

"Yes, really. You should wear what makes you feel good about yourself. And if this is it, then you should definitely go for it," I encouraged, maintaining a respectful distance despite the intensity of the moment.

She seemed to mull over my words, her earlier apprehension slowly giving way to a newfound assertiveness. "Okay, then. If you say it looks good... I'll trust you. Thanks, William. I needed to hear that, I think."

W.A- Echoes of yesterday-حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن