She knows

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In the low-lit ambiance of the nightclub, Gabriel and I found ourselves engrossed in a discussion that spanned from business strategies to personal anecdotes. Seated comfortably in a secluded corner, away from the pulsating beats of the dance floor, our conversation was animated yet discreet, veiled by the language of Italian to shield our words from curious ears.

"William," Gabriel's voice was low, carrying an edge of caution as he leaned in closer, "hai identificato il traditore tra di noi

"We're getting closer," I replied in a hushed tone, careful to keep our conversation shielded from any potential eavesdroppers. "Ma è stato sfuggente. Chiunque sia, è stato meticoloso nel coprire le proprie tracce."

Gabriel nodded slowly, his expression grave. "Questo potrebbe compromettere tutto per cui abbiamo lavorato.

I exhaled sharply, running a hand through my hair as I contemplated the implications. "Certo," I muttered, frustration and determination mingling in equal measure. "Ma non possiamo permetterci di affrettarci. Abbiamo bisogno di prove solide prima di agire."

Amidst our discussion, a sudden shift in the atmosphere caught my attention. It was Anna. Her entrance into the nightclub, surrounded by her friends and exuding an air of effortless charm, was like a beacon in the shadowy ambiance. My gaze was involuntarily drawn to her, a distraction I couldn't afford yet found impossible to ignore.

Gabriel, ever perceptive, noticed my momentary lapse. "Chi è quella?" he inquired, his gaze following mine to where Anna stood.

I offered a sly smile, my gaze lingering on Anna for a moment longer before returning to Gabriel. "Anna...Stai attento con lei. Conosce l'italiano."

Before more could be said on the matter, Anna made her way over to us, her approach confident and unhesitant. "We will talk later , i don't want to hear no " she whispered, her eyes locking onto mine with an intensity that left me momentarily speechless.

Gabriel, ever the smooth-talker, caught sight of her. With a playful smirk, he greeted her "Buona sera, bella signorina."

Anna paused, her gaze meeting Gabriel's with a mix of amusement and surprise. "Buona sera, signore," Anna responded with a playful glint in her eyes, acknowledging his greeting with a hint of intrigue.

"Questo è l'uomo che ti ha fatto piangere?" Gabriel asked , his eyes shifting from her to me

She glanced briefly at me, her expression softening before she replied in a measured tone, "Non esattamente. Ma potrebbe esserci un motivo per cui dovrebbe farlo."

Then, as if pulled by an invisible string, she was drawn back into the orbit of her friends, leaving me to ponder the brief encounter. Gabriel's gaze lingered on her retreating form before snapping back to me, an unspoken question in his eyes.

Before I could dwell further on Anna, the peace was shattered by a loud altercation erupting from the stage. My eyes snapped towards the commotion where Jack and another guy were exchanging heated words, their confrontation escalating with each passing second. It was clear that a fight was brewing, the tension palpable and spreading like wildfire through the once serene atmosphere of the nightclub.

Gabriel followed my gaze, his expression turning grim. "Looks like trouble."

Gabriel's observation was prescient. The altercation on stage quickly escalated, drawing the attention of the entire nightclub. The music stuttered to a halt as more people noticed the brewing fight, the air thick with anticipation and the sharp scent of adrenaline.

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