Questions Answers and an Invitation

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Harry's Pov

'How was that kid awake?! Madam Pomfrey said that, on his own, he probably wouldn't wake-up for at least 2 days! She said that he probably had several broken bones and a minor concussion! Even with magic to help heal him, it would take at least a couple hours!' My internal ranting was cut off when the kid started talking again.

"Wizardy? Witchcraft? What are those? Never mind!" He said, waving an arm to stop me from answering. "Can you just tell me what country we're in? Planet too?" He asked. Madam Pomfrey and I both gave him strange looks. How did he not know what planet they were on? He didn't know about wizards either!

"Umm... Wizards are people that can use magic, we are in the United Kingdom, on planet Earth," I answered. I started wondering if this kid had hit his head too hard when he fell. How could he not know what planet we were on? It was like he had amnesia...

"Great," He said under his breath, " Adamaï is going to have a field day." Then he looked at Dumbldore and Madam Pomfrey and said in a normal tone, "Who are you?"

Madam Pomfrey recovered and got to work checking him over for any injuries while Dumbldore answered, "I am Dumbldore and the woman checking you over is Madam Pomfrey."

Yugo grinned cheekily and said, "Nice to meet cha'! My name is- what are you doing?!" This question was directed at Madam Pomfrey, who was reaching over to take off his hat.

"I need to take off your hat. It seems you have some form of amnesia, and I have to check the rest of your head to make sure you have no other injuries." she explained sternly.

"Umm... I don't have any head injuries! Yup, nothing hurts. I feel fine," Yugo was clutching his hat to his head by now and he just kept rambling.

"Okay. Okay! We won't take off your hat." Proffesor Dumbledore said, cutting off his rambling. 'That hat must mean something to him...' I thought. I mean, he started panicking when Madam Pomfrey was just trying to take it off!

"What I'm more interested in," Dumbldore spoke quietly, "Is what happened to you, since you don't know even what planet you are on. Where are you from? Please tell us."

Yugo leaned back and thought for a moment. He looked at Az and seemed to come to an agreement with himself and looked back at us. "Alright," he said, "I don't remember what happened, but I think that I have a twin brother named Adamaï. He'll probably be coming to get me." Yugo said.

"I have a question," Madam Pomfrey said, "Do you know why you healed so fast?"

"Umm... Nope! Not a clue!"  he said. He seemed kind of nervous when he said that though. I wonder what he is hiding....

Then, Dumbldore spoke up, "I have a question as well. How would you like to go to Hogwarts for a while?"

We all sat in shocked silence for a couple seconds while Dumbldore continued. "You have to wait for your brother to come get you, yes?" Yugo nodded silently. "Well, we can't have you sitting around in the Hospital Wing waiting for him to come get you. People would get suspicious and that would bring to much unwanted attention on to you. You have some magical power in you anyways, so will you go to Hogwarts?"

Yugo thought for a little while, and then he grinned. "I'd be happy to go to your school!" He said gleefully.

I smiled too. "Welcome to Hogwarts, Yugo."

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