The Sorting

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No One's PoV

Yugo knew he shouldn't have lied to the friendly people that helped him, but he didn't know if he could trust them yet. They seemed kind, but then again, so did Qilby, and look where that got him. He fiddled with the edge of his new school robes and looked over at the closed door that would lead into the Great Hall. 'Soon, I am going to be introduced.' Yugo thought. He sighed, 'I could really use Scribble right about now,' He thought, 'I can already tell I'm going to get lost. But nooo. Of course, Pinpin had to borrow him on the one day I was messing around with my portals, of all days!' A muffled voice drew his attention back to closed door in front of him.

"-and  Hogwarts is happy to welcome a new student from France, he will be in first year. He was to go to a different school, but his guardians decided to switch him to Hogwarts at the last moment. So, may I present, Yugo Mayor!"

He jumped up at his introduction and winced as the huge doors of the Great Hall creaked open. So much for making a quiet entrance. Shaking his head to clear it, he quickly bounced into the hall...


Almost everyone in the Hall looked over as they heard the sound of the ancient doors creaking open. A pattering of feet drew the attention of the staff and students to a boy, a boy that was perhaps the strangest many had ever seen. He was wearing a bright blue with cat ears and a tassel thing on the end, which would certainly turn heads wherever he went.

The boy raced up to the stool, oblivious to the stares of his fellow students. Without further prompting, he plopped onto the stool and, after a quick, whispered argument with Professor McGonagall, she simply placed the Sorting Hat atop his blue one. Snickers broke out across the Hall as the students took in the ridiculous sight of the Hat teetering precariously atop the boy's head. Meanwhile, a boy got quite the start...


"Oho! What do we have here?" a hearty voice in his head!

"Wh-Who are you?" Yugo asked tentatively, shuddering at the unfamiliar sensation of something different inside of his mind.

"I am the Sorting Hat! I will see what House you will stay in while studying at Hogwarts. Wise Ravenclaw, Brave Gryffindor, Loyal Hufflepuff, and Cunning Slytherin. Now, let us see..."  the Sorting Hat said as it began sifting through memories. "Now, let us see... You spent your life before your adventure working at your father's inn, learning to cook and clean, and for a long time, you knew nothing but happiness. This changed, one day, when a possessed Shushu guardian entered your father's inn-"

"Wait! How do you know so much of my past?" Yugo thought, thinking of how this power could be used against him.

"I am the Sorting Hat, and the best way to judge character is through memories," the Hat states calmly, for this had not been the first time he had been asked this question. "Now, where was I? Ah, yes. You defeated the Shushu with little help, and you defended your father and his inn. Through this I feel  you show your loyalty to your father and your compassion towards your village, as you went into your Forbidden Forest - quite recklessly, one may add, with nothing but new friends and abilities on hand - to find a cure for the disease spread in your home. And even though I know there is more to your past, I shall respect your wishes and simply put you in GRYFFINDOR!"


Hello! I'm back! To be honest, it was really a toss up between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor, but I chose Gryffindor because we know more canonical stuff about it and all that. Also! Yugo's last name is Mayor because the only mention I could find of his or Alibert's last name was in the first and second episodes, where Alibert was called 'Mr. Mayor' by both Ruel Stroud and Jason the Baker. Thank you for sticking around! The next chapter should be out soon! Also, I'm so, so sorry it took me so long to update! I'll try to update at least once every two months! Again, thanks for sticking around!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2017 ⏰

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