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"Bloody knuckles and scabbed fingers."

An angel comes down to save you, and humanity. They provide love and guidance, for they know what you will receive in the end

They have pure wings, gentle touch, a majestic halo on top of their heads, and knowledgeable minds that they brought to you; to learn and forgive.

They're intelligent, and use their knowledge on guiding everyone; every single one that belongs to humanity. Intelligence must be used for good and perfection, one single mistake and it's gone; forever. 

What is intelligence? The ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.

Angels in the Bible are often described with human qualities, speaking like people and bearing human-sounding names. They do not appear to have wings. Cherubim are equally mysterious, with wild human and animal-like features, and they do have wings.

However, why do people envy and despise angels?

All they have given you, knowledge, intelligence, will, and a mind; yet you despise them for not giving you what you need. Just why?
Your needs can wait, they are giving you the wants you need to have to live in a cruel world.

The truth is, you abuse the given and blame the giver for not giving the one they want.
You're already living in a cruel world just by doing that.
You were and are influenced to be that way.
But you're not letting them save you.

"Is there a reason for what you're doing? Why do you do it? Who made you do that?"

"Why have you done it?"

Those questions are asked by the majestic angels, who gave you guidance and knowledge, but with a tone so deep it can hurt your skin. Angels know what they're doing, and they must do the grateful actions to you. You.

Do not trouble them, pressure them, mistake them. If you do, you have met the revelation.

The Revelation, Apocalypse, Return; they describe of what the angels will bring down to the end of the Worldly World. Everything will be in chaos, all for the sake of the One.

Trouble the Angels, and you receive great chaos. You're the cause.

Angels, they are soft and majestic, they never deceive you. Ask proudly and softly with your mind, and you shall receive good news; your needs and wants.
They know what you want, and they will provide.

Let them save you.


Anika Crystaline Jaque was painting, in a lonely and depressing atmosphere, yet she can manage the atmosphere. She knows what she's doing

"I have to finish this. I have to save them." The voice felt so eerily flat.
Her tone was breathy, and full of agony. After all, she's just a painter, they don't deserve anything in return. Painters decide that they will be painters and they receive after what've they done; Anika prefers 

The smell of paint can be seen, and it pleases people walking by. But, what was she painting for? Who was she saving?

A painted canvas, full of delightful yet a unpleasing and tense tone, was put to life on a simple paintbrush. It felt messy, but Anika and the paintbrush knows what the person wanted and needed; to please them with their interests. 

Nonstop, she brushed and painted the white canvas with her brush and continued to paint with agony and hardwork. There was a sign of stress and force, but ignored the obvious signs to finish the painting; colorful and bright colors were drawn inside the canvas, but behind the scenes was just a young girl who wanted the person to be saved.

Many painters enjoyed painting and made it as a hobby, but they lost their mind and soul in the process; and Anika will be part of that  without the proper care.

The soul and tone of the canvas mentally mentions the agony and the pain the painter has painted and provided on the piece of artwork, and there is a sign of regret being put to it.

Regret, is what she feels, regret. 

She couldn't bear to see her friend experience that type of pain again, and will sacrifice everything to save her own friend; even if it means to sacrifice herself. But, what will Anika receive in return? Emotion? Love? Support? None, at all.

Numbness in her brain and soul, complexness in her hands and eyes.

"Stay with me.." She shouted, throwing her canvas onto the ground.

It was terrible.



- Short, wavy and messy, brown hair

- Right side of her bangs is dirty blonde

- Black bow behind her hair

- Three stars on her bangs

- Tired, blue eyes and light pink-red blush

- Dark brown bandage

- White hair clip on the bottom left

- Moon hairclip on the upper left

- Short jacket, yet long baggy sleeves

- Red uniform with goldish buttons

- Red cape (provided by Aeri Jannisee Westone)

- Long skirt, covering her upper knee

- Dark Grey socks

- Upper bandage on her left sock

- Black, leather shoes

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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