Tiger's POV

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[He just left the restaurant..so...why am I still here in the parking lot staring at the road as his car slowly disappears in the distance? Well.. I can't help but be concerned about him. Why was he acting...well..off? He kept spacing out and well.. he just seemed more.. tense? Maybe the pressure of the upcoming game is getting to him. Did I bother him with the extra practice? I mean he agreed though, didn't he? So.. what-]

{Incoming call from "Mom"}

Tiger: Oh (answers the call) Hello?

 Tiger's Mother: Hello dear, I hope I'm not disturbing you. I just wanted to check in on you and with the timezone difference, it's hard to find time to call you..

Tiger: (smiles to himself) No no it's fine Mom. Thanks for checking in on me. I'm fine..
              um, how are you?

Tiger's mother: (notices the slight tenseness in his voice) I'm good... Are you sure You're good?

Tiger: Yeah of course. Why do you ask?

Tiger's mother: You sound tensed..

Tiger: Oh.. No, it's nothing I just- (looks down and sighs a bit)
             I'm just a bit concerned about one of my friends.. my teammate, Shakes.

Tiger's mother: Oh I see..
                                What's the matter? Is he alright?

Tiger: (leans on his car slightly) I..don't know.?
             (he sighs) He was just acting a bit off today that's all. I don't know why I'm so concerned.

Tiger's mother: Oh.. are you very close with him?

Tiger: Um, yeah... I mean I'm close with all my teammates.
             But Shakes is.. different? I don't know how to explain it but... our bond is just different                       from the others I guess. But not like Cool Joe, my winging partner; he is a great partner                     and friend and all that but it's not the same as Shakes. I can be really open with Shakes.
             He is loyal and trustworthy and just really nice to talk to and joke around and stuff. And I                   always do extra practice when needed with him and he always agrees with a smile on his                face.He never complains about it, especially because he loves football even more than me.
             He's the only one on the team who actually knows why I wear bandages on my arms and I               told him to keep it a secret from the others cause I didn't feel they should know about the               whole thing...and he's kept that promise till this day...

Tiger's mother: The way you just described him..says a lot about your bond with him.
                                 Do you think the reason you can't describe what he is to you is because...you're                                     in denial of what these feelings towards him are.?

Tiger: What do you mean..?

Tiger's mother: (she sighs softly) You describe him differently from everyone else..even though                                     it's not like you guys are always together or each other's partners on the field.                                       He's the only one you told about your injury and the one you prefer to do extra                                     practice with. And the sheer fact that you're this concerned about a slight shift                                       in his attitude says even more. Dear, how do you really feel about him.?

Tiger: I- (looks down) I don't know...

Tiger's mom: (eyebrows furrow) Well... you should figure it out. Trust me on this, Tiger.
                             The sooner you realize and come to terms with this stuff the better...it's for the                                       good of both you and him.
Tiger: (silence)

Tiger's mother: ....
                                Please take care, dear. I love you... don't forget.

Tiger: yeah... I love you too Mom..

Tiger's mother: I'll talk to you later then... goodbye (she smiles)

Tiger: (smiles slightly)Goodbye Mom..
             (hangs up)

{Tiger drives back to his house}

{Time Skip: In his bedroom}

Tiger: (on his bed staring at the ceiling) How do I feel about Shakes..
              He's my friend.. and teammate...what's more?
              ...But he's not like my other friends or teammates.
[He makes me feel different when I'm with him. When we spend time alone together it's like I wish it would never end..just him and me..it's so fun..it's so peaceful..it feels better than when I'm with other people. Is it bad I wish I was his favorite person..? Is it greedy to want him to myself when he's laughing and joking with others.? This feeling seems more than just 'friends' or 'teammates'. But it's not brotherly either... What is wrong with me.?]


Author's note: So that was the second part. Also there might have been random spaces between sentences that's just an error when writing. If you feel like this is going too fast paced don't worry everything will happen gradually this is just a step towards realizing that their feelings towards each other aren't merely 'teammates'. Also if you do actually like this story so far I would be very grateful if you wanted to comment or give any type of suggestion for the further parts of this story. Anyways I'm extremely grateful to whoever reads my story as this is my first actual story. Well everything aside have a lovely day or night~ 

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