The Hangout

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Tiger's Pov

[I can't help but feel a bit jealous...I know Annika is just a friend but- how would you react if some girl hugged your-..your...]

Shakes: So..let's get going?

Tiger: Oh uh- yeah let's go..

{Time skip: They reach a nice quaint cafe and sit at a table after ordering their food}

[I wonder if he's feeling better after going to the medic..what if he faints again?]

Tiger: (pushes Shakes' glass of water closer to him) Drink.

Shakes: (looks at the glass then back at Tiger) Oh ohk...Is this about what happened after practice?

Tiger: (In an assertive voice) Yes..You need to stay hydrated, I can't have you fainting on me.

Shakes: Seriously Tiger I'm fine.

Tiger: No you're not..If you were fine you wouldn't have fainted in the first place.

Shakes: I already told just happened and I had stuff on my mind. Why do you care so much anyways? (he looks down at the glass of water)

Tiger: (his brows furrow at the comment) because you're my teammate and friend...isn't that reason enough?

Shakes: Yes but one else came to check up on me.

Tiger: What is it bad that I care about you? 

[My tone came out more irritated and aggressive than I intended..I could make out by the change in Shakes' facial expressions that he felt a bit hurt by it]

Shakes: (sighs) I've just never had anyone care that much about me before..So yeah I'm a bit confused..I'm not complaining about it and I'm really grateful for your concern, but you can't blame me for asking about it when you know you don't act the same with the other teammates..

Tiger: (furrows brows slightly) I'm..sorry... you're right..I don't act the same with the others and to be honest..I don't know what my reasoning is exactly...but yeah I do feel the need to be concerned about you and care about you, Shakes.

Shakes: It's fine..I appreciate you for being concerned though, Tiger.

[I should probably change the topic..] 

Tiger: (looks around) This is a nice place..very cozy

Shakes: I'm glad you like it..the food is even better. (he chuckles)

{The waiter arrives with the food}

Tiger: (looks at Shakes, making sure he eats) 

Shakes: (looks at Tiger) Aren' gonna eat?

Tiger: I'm making sure you eat first..

Shakes: (sighs and takes a bite out of his burger) happy.? (he mumbles with his mouth full)

Tiger: Yes (smiles) But don't talk with your mouth full.

[I see him roll his eyes at me but it's soon replaced with a soft expression and a smile on his's kinda cute..I mean-]

Shakes: Try the's kinda the reason we came here? (he chuckles)

Tiger: Oh uh yeah heh..

{Time skip: Outside the restaurant}

[The food was actually really good. No wonder Shakes likes this place]

Shakes: Did it meet your expectations?

Tiger: Yeah it did..I might be coming here often hahah

Shakes: (looks at his watch) Looks like we finished early.

Tiger: Really? what?

Shakes: (thinks) There is a place that's kinda away from the city that I go to sometimes. Nothing special just really peaceful.

Tiger: Sounds nice. If you like it then it must be good right? (nudges him)

Shakes: I guess (chuckles)

{They reach a hill located away from the city. The sun starts setting as they sit and watch}

Tiger: (staring at the sunset) This place is really peaceful..

Shakes: Yeah..My dad used to take me here when I was a kid for stargazing sometimes.

Tiger: (looks at him) That's nice. This place must be really special to you then..

Shakes: (plucking some flowers) Yeah..That's why I come here alone most of the time. But that's a bit selfish heh...

Tiger: (smiles) Not really..I mean that's fair.. (looks at him)  Why are you plucking flowers?

Shakes: (still looking down) I'm making a flower crown..

Tiger: A..flower crown?

Shakes: Mhm (he finishes making it and shows it to Tiger) My sister loves making them..So I kinda learnt from her (chuckles)

Tiger: (picks up the crown) It's pretty.. 

[He'd look cute wearing it...W-wait not that- he's cute..well he is but-I don't..I..Fuck it]

Tiger: (puts the crown on Shakes' head) Aww hahah you look so cute.

Shakes: (stifles a laugh) Tsk stop teasing..

Tiger: I'm not thoughh (takes out his phone) wait.. (clicks a picture) see

Shakes: (looks at the picture) ..I don't see it

Tiger: -_- 

Shakes: (laughs and takes off the crown) It'd look much better on you (puts the crown on him and takes a picture) see

Tiger: (looks at the picture) hmm..nah you still look better.

Shakes: God..just take the compliment!

Tiger: Hey you didn't take my compliment either!

{They continue bickering and bantering until the sun finally set. (How romantic ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) Anyways Shakes reaches Tiger's home}

Shakes: (At Tiger's front door) So did it live up to your expectations?

Tiger: Hmm no.

Shakes: (●__● )

Tiger: exceeded my expectations (laughs) Plus, I have a super cute picture of you wearing a flower crown now~ (leans closer to him)

Shakes: Yeah well so do I so.. (leans closer as well)

[Shit we're so close...]

Tiger: Uh-

Shakes: (realizes and backs up) U-uhm..anyways heh. I had a lot of fun..

Tiger: (blushing) too.

Shakes: ..I'll see you tomorrow then.. (smiles) 

Tiger: Yeah uhm bye... (waves)

Shakes: (smiles and leaves)


Author's note: I'm so sooo sorry for the late update but finals week yk (;⌣̀_⌣́) Anyways hope you liked the chapter and feedback and suggestions are always welcome :>
I'm still trying to figure when exactly I want the confession to happen cause I want this to be kinda like a slow burn but also like I don't know? The next chapter will probably be focusing on Annika helping Shakes out with his feeling. I was thinking maybe I could give Tiger a person to help him out as well but again I need to properly fit it in the story and figure out the confession and all that stuff so yeah¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . Have a good day or night guys~

At the end of the dayWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt