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[The next day with Annika]

Annika: You should've just kissed him.

Shakes: Are you crazy.?

Annika: Maybe..but at least I'm not an oblivious mf like you (she smirks as she drinks her coffee)

Shakes: You better stop giving me sass..I called you here for help!

Annika: Well I'm sorry you had a whole romantic date with your crush and didn't kiss him. (she says sarcastically as she waves her hands up in defense)

Shakes: It's not that easy..I still don't know if he even likes me like that.

Annika: (deadpanned) I'm so close to throwing my coffee on you.. But thankfully I prioritise coffee over a hopeless romantic's problems.

Shakes: OK come on..what do I do?

Annika: Well as your gay guidance counselor-

Shakes: Stop calling yourself that..

Annika: Am I not?

Shakes: ...whatever

Annika: Look if you keep these hangouts going like this it'll all run its course..hell he might even make the first move.

Shakes: But there's no guarantee of that. What if he never looked at me like that and never will.. What if our friendship grows even stronger and the fact I have feelings will ruin that? We're still teammates non the less and if this gets in the way of our dynamic..well first of all I'll get many unwanted lectures from Coach that's for sure-

Annika: Slow your horses.. Jeez, you're such a pessimist. You said he leaned closer to you TWICE yesterday.

Shakes: That.. Could have just been an honest mistake.?

Annika: know what? You wanna figure out his feelings for you.? I have a plan.. But you may not like it.

Shakes: ..Go on..

{Meanwhile at Tiger's house}

Tiger: IDK...If I didn't say anything I feel like he actually would've kissed me.

Cool Joe: why'd you say anything?

Tiger: I don't know..It just felt awkward cause..I didn't know what to do!

Cool Joe: Look I'm no love expert but if you really want a relationship with Shakes you gotta make some kind of move.

Tiger: Wasn't the obvious teasing and the flower crown enough??

Cool Joe: If Shakes is as oblivious as you? No.

Tiger: I need actual advice Cool Joe (he says in a sort of questioning tone)

Cool Joe: As I said..I'M NO LOVE EXPERT. Why'd you come to me of all people?

Tiger: Um 'cause you're the only one who knows I'm bi that I can talk to?

Cool Joe: True..

Tiger: (sits back on his couch and sighs) Maybe it's better I try to move on..

Cool Joe: Uh-uh I'm not letting you do that, brother.

Tiger: Why? It's the safest option.

Cool Joe: No, it's the option you think is safest cause it has nothing to do with the issue at all.

Tiger: (groans) This is why I don't fall in love with people.

Cool Joe: (sips on his beverage) Yet here we are..

Tiger: (he groans again and whines) It's not my fault he's attractive and funny and charming..

Cool Joe: (chuckles) Keep a positive mindset..I've seen the way he looks at you during practice.

Tiger: (buries his face in a cushion) But..there's this friend of his...

Cool Joe: Hm?

Tiger: She's one of his online friends I think? She's come down to visit him.

Cool Joe: So..? Is that a problem? Shakes does have female friends y'know.

Tiger: You didn't see them.. She hugged him and they kept smiling at each other..

Cool Joe: Friends do that, Tiger. Plus they're online friends so they don't see each other often..of course they'd hug.

Tiger: (he mumbles into the cushion) He never hugged me like that..

Cool Joe: (scrunches his eyebrows) Again..they don't meet often.. I'm sure Shakes didn't think twice about the hug..I mean he never really thinks twice about anything. (he chuckles)

Tiger: (lifts his head from the cushion) In TV shows falling in love seems great...(he squints his eyes) TV shows lie..

Cool Joe: Well they're fictional for a reason..

{New Message:- Supa Strikas GC}
[BTW Florida Man=North Shaw , Shakey=Shakes, Shortest player=Tiger. And yes El matador made the nicknames]
Rasta(Cap): Who's up for a barbeque at my place on the weekend?

Florida Man: Sweeet! Count me in

El Matador(the greatest): I'm in. I need a break

Florida Man: A break from what exactly?

El Matador(the greatest): From being the best..obviously

Blok: blarghblagh (you were benched last game)

Shakey: Pay no mind to him Blok..Also I'm in..but can I bring my friend?

Rasta(cap): Why you asking man? You always bring Spenza.

Shakey: No no another friend is visiting me from Sweden.

Rasta(cap): Ohh I see. Sure you can bring them man

Shakey: Alright thanks cap!

Cool Joe: I'll be there too

Cool Joe: Rasta's having a barbeque.

Tiger: Oh ohk

Cool Joe: Shakes is bringing his friend I think..

Tiger: (turns around quickly) What.?

Cool Joe: Yeah check the Group Chat.

[..If he's not bringing Spenza it has to be Annika...seriously? why does he have to bring her? She's not part of the team and she doesn't contribute to..anything...Why can't they just hang out another time..I know I seem jealous but-...Come on!]

Shortest player: I'll be there as well. And I'm gonna kill El Matador for this nickname ಠ_ಠ

El Matador(the greatest): Woah calm down Tiger..It's not my fault you're short 乁( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ㄏ

Shortest player: ...Say goodbye to your lambo...

El Matador(the greatest): WHAT

Tiger: ...

Cool Joe: you...ok?

Tiger: The girl that I'm jealous of is coming to the team barbeque with the guy I like...Of course I'm ok...

Cool Joe: Was..was that sarcas-


Author's note: I am so so sorry for publishing late and for the chapter being short. I had this in the drafts for a while cause I wasn't sure about the chapter and made some changes. I am more free this month so hopefully I can work on my frequency but yeah no promises (|||❛︵❛). I hope you enjoyed this chapter and Tiger's jealousy lol. And yeah I decided to make Cool Joe the person he goes to for help cause they're partners and the only person other than Miko Chen I considered so-. Again comments and feedback are welcome. Anyways have a lovely day or night readers~

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