S.1 Ch.4 Can't get caught!

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Aether began to hear someone calling for him, it was a low quite voice, He slowly opens his eyes, as he looks around, he didn't see anyone.


Someone again Called him..

"W-who is it??"

Aether said with a scared face

"It's me.. the one in the book"

"Are you scared that it was a ghost?.."

The man on the book said while trying to not laugh

"Wh-what?? O-ofcourse not"

Aether tried to defend himself..

"What ever.."

Aether then stood up and walked towards the table where the book is settled.

"So?.. why did you call for me?.."

Aether said with a confused face

"I think.. I might be able to remember what the gem looks like.."

The man in the book said with a quiet voice..

"What really?? Then tell me.."


The man then started speaking again

"Well..you know the first meeting we ever had?.. I kept asking for the gem..well actually.. that gem, was the only thing I can remember..I don't even remember my own name.."

Aether was shocked


"Then that means you can't even remember your own name.."

"Then can you tell me now what the gem looks like?"

Aether said with a worried face

"Well...this gem..might be long gone now.."



the boy Aether was confused

"Sh...quiet down your voice"
The man in the book said as he tried to calm down Aether

"Ok I'm sorry..but can you explain please?.."
Aether said as he lower his voice

"Well..as I start to investigate the mana inside me, I started to remember some of my memory.. that gem.. it was mine..all mine, I also remember the 1st war of the 8 kingdoms.."

"The first war of the eight kingdom?? Wasn't that almost 700+ years ago??"


"Yes indeed.. I'm that old, but.. I can't remember how that gem got taken away from me.. or how I ended up stuck inside here.."


"Well that will be a problem if we don't know how you got stucked in this book in the first place.. if I find that gem, will it be able to free you?"

"I don't know.."

Aether sighed as he started talking again
"Then can you tell me what you see in there?"

The man in the book started talking again
"It's just darkness, and full of words I can't seem to understand"

"Full of words you can't understand? Can you describe it to me? I will write it down.. because, what I'm seeing is this book pages is empty.."

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