Piece Of Shit

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I did EVERYTHING for you, you know that right? When everyone else was walking away from you and insulting you, I was there to defend you! And then you do THIS! seriously? How could you?

Oh come on, give me a break! I told you it was an accident! What happened was NEVER supposed to happen!

So how did it happen?!

I-I-I don't know, I can't explain it! But please believe me, I never wanted to hurt you!

you never cared about my feelings, my opinions, my thoughts- NONE OF IT! And im tired of it, im tired of being your last thought when you were always my first!

Please...please don't do this.

Then why did you do it? Because you could? Because you knew that you could get it anyway you want right?!


Then why?! Why did you have destroy this one thing that was MINE!? It was mine and mine alone and you came along and just ruined it!

I didn't wanna hurt you-

But you did.


Get out. Get your shit, give me my key and get the fuck out.

You can't be serious. Where will I go?

You'll figure it out, you always do.

Aren't we friends?

We were friends before you did what you did.

I was going to tell you!

When? Before or after you slept in my bed?

I was going to tell you.

It doesn't matter now, just pack your shit, call you a ride and get the fuck out of here before I call someone to get you out.

Where will I go?

Call that piece of shit to come get you and if that doesn't work well...too bad.

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