Heart pt.1

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You give , you were always a giver

Even when you tried to have boundaries you still ended up giving

You never really seen the bad in people

You tend to ignore it and focus on the good

You break little by little

You cry hour by hour

Your tears could make a waterfall and you're words can make others cry


Why, my heart,  is it that you are so trusting and kind?

Give me the power to be mean and draw lines

I can not take another lie

I can not handle another heart break

Let me turn you off for your sake

Let me use my head instead of you

Before you break into millions of pieces instead of two

I don't think love is in our cards

I want to give us a break, let's stop trying and stop making mistakes

My eyes are weary

And your shield is faltering

Nevertheless you still hope for the love I am longing for and from

But, my heart, when will you realize that there is no love here?

C'mon, please, let's give it a rest? I'll wake you once im ready to love again.


(Im sorry if it's not too good😭🤍!)

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