My Real Eyes

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I was your favorite daughter. Out of the 17, I was your favorite because I was always quicker to catch on to your words and understandings.

You know she didn't like the fact you favored me. She hated that you favored me because you don't favor her.

I never wanted you to favor me...I wish I was never your favorite but I guess it's too late to wish for that.

Even now when we barely speak I am still your favorite because now you see it worked, I am like you now.

We share the same thoughts, the same mind and understanding.

I try to change myself- i do but I always end up thinking exactly like you. I hate this mind now.

I am quick tempered now.

I throw fits now.

I am always angry now.

I am angry because you never let me have a childhood with thoughts of my own.

You killed my imagination before it even began all because you wanted me to understand the real world.

I understand it now, dad.

I understand it all.

But... can I get my childhood back to understand nothing at all.

My real eyes have seen through your never ending lies and you know I can look at you and see the shell of a man I once knew.

All because you wanted me to understand you.

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