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The smoke filled my lungs, my leg was trapped under a pole that fell from the ceiling. I could barely see anything in front of me.  The panic has now set in, all those years of training gone. My body was in panic mode now. Trying to get out but the smoke is making me weaker by the second.

Loki is somewhere in the building, but I'm trapped. "CLARA! CLARA WHERE ARE YOU?" I heard Tony's voice over my earpiece.

"I'm stuck! Tony I-I can't move my leg an- and I'm by the machinery in the other room."

"Clara calm down I'm coming to get you." 

"Tony, where is Loki?" Silent set in between the earpiece. That's when I knew something bad had happened.

2 Day Later

I was called down to the medical center in Tony Stark's building. It was built after Loki's attack on New York which was five years ago. Loki has been living with us and learning how to reconnect with society now. It was not easy at first but soon after he started gaining his trust, yet not everyone trusted him. He still would get threatened if we went out in public. Now I am on my way down to see him.

As I enter the room, I see Loki sitting up in the medical bed. He looks paler than usual. He looks at me with confusion in his eyes. I see Tony standing next to his bed with Thor on the other side. I can feel the heaviness in the air. Something was wrong. "Clara, the night of the attack Loki was found unconscious. We brought him back and now he has awakened but does not remember any of us." Tony said, my heart just sank. All those memories are now gone.

"So, Loki you do not know who I am?" I looked over at him.  His blue eyes that were once filled with mischief are now filled with confusion. He shook his head no. "Tony what do we do then?" I looked back over at Tony for fear I would start to cry if I looked at Loki any longer.

"Well, we were discussing it before you came in. We told Loki we would help him figure out his memories slowly, but Loki wants to leave and start a new life. He wants to explore the world on his own."

"What." It came out more of whisper. I could not bear the pain any longer. "I need to go; I can't be here." I turned around and left for my room. I cannot believe all of this.

"Clara wait!" Thor shouted but I kept going.

How could Tony let this happen! Why would he not stay here where people know who he is! I walked into my room, the city busy as usual. Everyone going home to their loved one, while my loved one is gone. Confused.

"Clara," I knew that soothing voice, my heart stopped immediately. I turned around to see Loki standing in my doorway. He looked nervous, he was hesitating on whether or not to walk in or not. He must have just left the medical center for he was just wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants. "I understand that I meant something to you, something more than a friend and I am sorry for hurting you like this."

"Loki, why don't you stay here with people who can actually help you." He took a second to think about it but was not sure.

"Clara, I don't know. I rather go out and see the world myself. I need to be able to find myself by myself." He sat down on my bed. For once he sat down on my bed and we're not making out. I buried that thought because this is a different Loki.  A Loki that needs my help.

"Loki, you may not understand your past but if you go out there alone something bad will happen to you." I tried not to break down, I tried not telling him how much I loved him and cared for him. I tried to hold back the memories we made.

"Clara, I may not know who you are and what you meant to me, but I trust you. If you think staying here will help me more than going out in the world then yes. I'll stay."

Loki's POV

Something about Clara seems familiar. I know she meant something to me, but it feels like I was just born. I am with these strangers in this strange city. As I left her room, I felt something, an emotion. She was very pretty, her long brown hair, her brown eyes. I could not get her image out of my head, but I know she is hurting. I know that whatever happened to me hurt her and I want her to have the man she had. The man she loved. If that means staying to figure out my past, then I will. But how? How does one remember their past?

Apparently, my room was across from her. I don't know if that is because we were lovers or just this is where Tony wanted me, but I did not mind. My bed was dark green with black pillows. I guess my favorite color.  I did not mind it.

"Loki." A deep voice came from behind me. I turned around to see Thor standing in my doorway. I guess he is my brother but what do I know. "I think it is best for you to stay here and learn your past."

"I already told her I would stay here." Why do I feel like I am the villain in this scenario? I sat on the edge of my bed. Holding my head in my hands, covering my face.

"Good now try to get some rest, will you?" I looked up from my hands and nodded. Thor left and the door automatically shut behind him. Fancy, I guess. I climbed into my bed and tried to relax. But how could I? I have a lover who I do not know, I have a brother who I do not know and apparently the whole world hates me. I looked around my room to give me hints about my past self. Knives, books, candles, and pictures.

"There's no way I am sleeping." I whispered.

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