❀3-she looks just like a dream

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"Wait wait wait, so you mean to tell me, this kid named Miles was bitten by a spider that was supposed to bite someone else, and that caused a chain of events which ended up killing his realitys spider-man leaving a different reality without a spider-man, and that's why the multiverse is on the verge of collapsing?" Phoenix asked relaying everything Miguel just told them.

"Yes." Miguel responded rolling his eyes.

"A seventeen year-old kid who just so happened to get bit by a spider, is the reason our multiverse may or may not collapse?" She asked obviously doubting what Miguel was saying to be true.

"Yes Phoenix, he's the reason" Miguel replied getting more and more annoyed by the second.

"I don't know Miguel, seems pretty far fetched to me, also even if this-" Phoenix paused gesturing around herself in an attempt to make her point "is all true, you want us to not tell this kid? that's so messed up!"

"Listen Phoenix it's unlikely that you'll even come across Miles yourself so you don't need to worry about it" Miguel pointed out, stressing on the point that I'd probably never meet him.

"Even so, you want the only people that he can relate to, to keep it from him?" Phoenix said gesturing to Peter and Gwen "Also if it's so unlikely i'm going to meet him why am I even here? this makes zero sense Miguel!" Phoenix continued to argue, her tiredness getting to her, making ten times more irritable.

"Because Phoenix everyone needs to know! and they have to keep it from Miles until he's ready to find out! you know, I thought you'd be the easiest to talk to about this but I guess I was wrong!" Miguel yelled at Phoenix throwing his arms up in frustration, getting extremely fed up with her attitude and questioning.

Phoenix flinched, she regularly fought insane mad-men and got into life-threatening situations and yet she still tears up when someone yells at her.

"You know what Miguel? I'm done with this conversation, I'm going back to my room" Phoenix responded, her voice cracking towards the end of her sentence as she turned around and rushed out of the room.

"You know Miguel, you've got some anger issues, you should sort them out, in the meantime I'm also gonna head out" Hobie said turning on his heal and following in Phoenix's footsteps, before he left he stopped and whispered to Gwen "Have fun!"

"You're a dick!" she whispered back her voice dripping with annoyance.

Hobie merely shrugged in response and continued out the door, stopping when he heard the soft sounds of sniffling and quiet sobs.

"Oi, Phe you alright?" Hobie called out into the hallway knowing she was probably hiding behind a corner.

Phoenix's head shot up and she quickly wiped her nose "Um yeah, I'm great, absolutely fine, just peachy, you know I should actually get going-" Phoenix rambled hoping Hobie would just go away.

"Phe I can hear you crying behind there, why don't you just come out and talk to me huh?" Hobie talked to seemingly nothing.

Phoenix sighed knowing she had been caught and slid out from behind a wall and turned to see the backside of Hobie "Um hey, behind you" Phoenix spoke to Hobie's back as she watched him turn around.

Hobie turned to see a disheveled Phoenix, her hair sticking out in odd angles, eyes slightly puffy, the tip of her nose a bright pink, and a few leftover tears sticking to her face.

"Phe, what's wrong? what happened?" Hobie asked his expression softening, he hadn't known Phoenix for long, or at the very least had spoken to her for very long, but he already had a soft spot for the girl, he wasn't sure why but he felt that he and her were going to become very close friends.

"It's nothing, i'm just being stupid and overreacting, i'll be fine" Phoenix said forcing a smile onto her face that was obviously fake.

"Phe just tell me what it is and I promise i'll drop it" Hobie said, intent on finding out why she was crying.

"Fine, but you have to swear you won't say anything." Phoenix said with a blank expression on her face as she held up her pinky finger.

"I swear on my lucky guitar I won't tell a soul" Hobie smiled taking her pinky finger into his.

"It's Miguel, him and his yelling and unnecessary anger issues! and his unbelievably big butt!" Phoenix starts ranting "It's so stupid! I don't even know Miles but yet I seem to know everything about him and his own secret that even he doesn't know about, I don't understand why we can't just tell him" she finishes her rant slightly out of breath.

"Yeah, I can see how that can be stressful, damn Miguel and his big butt." Hobie says with a smile trying to contain his laughter.

"Ha, yeah that thing defies the laws of physics" She responds with a toothy smile her sharp teeth glinting in the light.

"Woah your teeth!" Hobie exclaims pointing at her mouth.

Phoenix shuts her mouth quickly placing a hand over it "Oh yeah those." she said simply, her voice slightly muffled through her sleeve.

"No don't hide them, they are so cool! I wish mine were like that!"

"Really? they usually freak people out-" 

"Those people are just wusses, you should show them off more often, they kinda remind me of shark teeth" Hobie interrupts.

"Huh you're right-"

*beep beep beep*

Phoenix and Hobie look down at his wrist to see his watch glowing, meaning he was most likely being sent on a mission.

"Well, that seems to be my que to leave, I'll see you later!" Hobie says giving her a small wave before turning to leave

Phoenix waves back, even though he's already a few feet away and can't see "Bye" she whispered to no one.

She felt the stinging feeling of a tickle in the back of her throat again 'I really need to take some cough drops'


[ 🦴]Libby has something to say!

It took me an uncomfortable amount of time to write this chapter- I got a spiderman lamp the other day and im so happy about it, all the boys are finna be jealous of me 💪

 this chapter has about 990 words!

✩fun fact! a cloud weighs around a million tonnes!

thank you for reading! leave a silly lil comment!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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