vi. party

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I had no clue what Ky had in store for me

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I had no clue what Ky had in store for me. All I got was a quick call, his voice hurried, telling me to slip into a black dress-the same color he'd be wearing-and be ready in an hour. No explanations, no room for questions when I tried to call him back for more details.

Funny how this was our first call in months, and it had to be this way. But knowing Ky, I had no other choice but to agree. So there I stood, staring at my reflection in the mirror, adjusting the hem of the short black dress I had chosen, my hair perfectly styled, makeup flawlessly applied.

I checked my lipstick one last time before plopping back onto my bed, my phone buzzing with messages from friends-Gia, Alex, and then Ky.


What was this all about? A sense of confusion settled over me, a nagging feeling that tonight would have more than just the usual banter and laughter. I knew I had to keep myself in check; the last thing I needed was my friends breathing down my neck about Ky and me, especially when my mind was still filled with worries of the sight of Leon with another woman-some mysterious and beautiful lady who seemed to vanish into thin air when I tried to find out more about her online.

All I found was a single photo, alongside others dressed in formal attire, but nothing more.

But tonight wasn't the time to dwell on that. I had to push aside my lingering feelings for Leon; after all, if Ky caught an idea of my unresolved feelings or the tears I'd shed over him, he'd be on a mission to set things straight. Funny, considering Ky himself was still grappling with his past with Joy.

With a heavy sigh, I set aside my phone, mentally preparing myself for whatever Ky had planned. Tonight was about us-Ky and me-whatever that meant.

The memory of our previous encounters weighed heavily on my mind as I tried to quell the fluttering butterflies in my stomach. Sure, we'd kissed a few times before, even had a make-out session or two, but after the other night, I wasn't too sure how to resist the urge to pull him towards me when I was a few drinks deep. And tonight? Well, there was definitely going to be some drinking involved.

I took a deep breath, stealing a quick glance at my reflection in the mirror. Ky always seemed so composed, but the thought of pretending everything was normal in front of everyone-especially in front of Alex-sent waves of anxiety through me. What if I messed up? What if people saw right through our act?

But then, I reminded myself why we were doing this. For my own sake, for our own sake.

As I collected all my courage, my phone lit up with Ky's name flashing on the screen once more. I hesitated before answering.

"Hey," I greeted cautiously. "So, umm, care to tell me what's the plan?" But before I could finish, Ky's voice cut in, a tad too cheerful and a bit slurred.

"Nu uh, don't worry about that," he chirped. "Anyways,  we're here. Ready to go?"

My nerves spiked as I realized Ky was already a little tipsy, or perhaps a little more than that. I knew how he could get whenever we were going out. He'd drink until he was blackout drunk. But the fact that he hadn't even told me where or what we were doing was just... so considerate.

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