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(Jakes pov)

I'm sitting on the couch in the living room johnnie is still asleep because we stayed up kinda late last night and he was already tired
I got a text from colby

(C-colby / J-jake)

C-Hey man
?J-Hey colby what's up

C-Not much just wondering if
you could hang out today

J-Yeah sure I got nothing to do honestly

C-can you ask johnnie if he wants
to hang out he's not answering me

J- yeah sure he's asleep rn so
that's probably why he's not answering

C-yeah probably
C-can you come to my house at 4?

J-yeah sounds good man cya later

I get up to see johnnie and ask him if he wants to go to colbys later
I knock on johnnies door "hmmm?" Johnnine hums from the other side kinda annoyed but also tired "johnnie can I come in? " I ask "mhm" johnnie hums in response I take that as a yes and open the door he's in his bed with the lights off I turn the lights on he sits up and looks at me he looks adorable with his blue eyes looking into mine and his messy bed hair "johnnie colby asked if we wanted to hang out in his house today at 4 do you wanna go? " I ask trying not to stare at him "sure "he asks "it's 1pm now so do you wanna order something to eat I'm kinda hungry " I ask "yeah I'm starving " he says getting up "what do you wanna eat?" I ask "wing stop?" He says "yeah sure "

(Time skip )

"Jake" johnnie says "yeah ?" I say "what time is it?"johnnie says I check the time on my phone "oh shit it's 3:30"I say getting up "I'm ganna go get ready " I say "same"johnnie says getting up as well

I start getting ready
After I'm done I hear johnnie calling me "what?" I ask walking to his room "do you think I should wear makeup?" He asks looking at me "I don't think you should we're not really going anywhere it's just sam and colby and you l- nvm let's just go it's 3:54 already " I say I was going to say that he looks good either way but I felt like it's a bit much hope he doesn't over think what I was ganna say "ok"johnnie says walking past me I follow him

We get into the car and I start driving

(Johnnies pov)
(Johnnies friend sam and this sam are not the same person )
We've been hanging out with sam and colby a lot lately it's really fun honestly so I'm not complaining
"Jake can you put on some music?"I ask
"Yeah sure " jake says putting on his playlist
"We've been hanging out with sam and colby a lot more lately " I say
"Yeah but honestly I love having out with them " jake says  "Same"I say
We keep talking for a little while
"We're here " jake says
We walk up to the door and knock on it
Colby opens the door "Heyy guys" he says getting away from the door to let us walk in "hey colby" jake says we sit on the couch and start talking to sam and colby for a little while then colby asks jake to talk to him in the kitchen leaving me and sam alone "what do you think they're talking about " I ask sam "I have no clue but I think it's about jake because colby tells me everything " sam says "well he has been acting kinda weird lately like just zoning out and he was acting weird when kyle and I were hanging out " I say "did you ask him about it? " sam asks "well yeah but he wouldn't tell me anything " I say "now I'm kinda worried it's not like jake to do that " sam says

We decide to talk about something else till jake and colby come back

(Colbys pov)

"Jake are you ok? You've been acting weird and looking at johnnie a lot " I say "I do?" Jake says "yeah did something happen with him is everything alright between you two " I say "no nothing happened everything is alright " He says trying to avoid eye contact "jake you can talk to me yk and if you don't want me to I won't tell anyone " I say trying to get him to talk about it "well I don't even know what's wrong with me"he says kinda sad "look I don't want to assume anything but do you like him?" I ask him because it's really obvious that he does "what no no he's my best friend I don't like him like that " he says  "jake are you sure you know there is nothing wrong with you having feelings for him ,you can't control your feelings jake" I say trying to make him talk about it "I don't know it's really weird and I can't like him he's my roommate and best friend" he says "jake you don't have to lie to me it's not like I will tell him " I say " well I'm not sure if I like him but I do get kinda jealous when he talks to his "old friend " or whatever but that could be just because I don't want him to replace me right?"he says " you like him jake stop denying it " I say "I know it just feels wrong but right at the same time yk?" He asks "well he might like you back you don't even know if he's actually straight or not " I say "I do he always says he's straight " jake says kinda sad "jake you always say your straight too " I say trying to give him hope " what does that make me then I don't think I'm gay I've lived a lot of girls before johnnie is the only guy that I like " he says "well you might be bi or pan? " I say "but I've never liked guys before " he says "maybe you did and just thought it was a man crush? Or it was a little crush that you didn't notice?" I ask him "maybe but I still can't tell johnnie how I feel he's straight and he dated that girl alex so he's definitely not gay" he says "well yeah but that's not the only option you know he might have liked guys but he's just not out yet " I say "true" he says "but what if he likes his friend they seemed really close ?" He says in a sad tone "I don't think so if he did he would've kissed him when ppl asked him to " I say "yeah- wait how do you know about that?" He says "everyone is talking about it's all over tiktok and twitter "I say laughing a little "it is? "he says also laughing "yeah I mean he said you two are married " I say "yeah that was pretty funny to be honest , let's just go back now " he says laughing

(Johnnies pov)

After a little while they come back and we continue talking making jokes and laughing

"Guys I'm kinda hungry wanna go get something ?" Colby says
We all agree and go out after we finished eating we go back to sam and colbys place and they ask us if we want to spend the night "yeah sure but I'm wearing skinny jeans and I can't sleep with them " I say "it's ok you can borrow one of mine "sam says "thanks " I say we all decided to watch a scary movie they gave me and jake one blanket so we had to share I didn't really mind jake started falling in and out of sleep then he eventually fell asleep on my shoulder he looked so cute..wait no I mean in a friend way well he is a good looking man and I'm allowed to say that right? anyways I just keep watching the movie
The movie ended so I tap jake gently on his shoulder to wake him up sam and colby went to their rooms jake and I got up and whent to the guest room "oh sh!t there is only one bed here " I say "oh it's ok I can sleep on the floor "he says omg he's so fvcking sweet "no no it's ok we can just turn away from each other or something don't worry about it " I say not wanting him to sleep on the floor "well- ok " he says
Sam knocks on the opened door to get our attention we both turn around looking at him "I brought you guys pajama pants is that ok? " he asks handing us the pajama pants "yeah thanks " I answer him he nods "oh and I'm sorry about the whole one bed situation " he says "oh it's fine don't worry about it we've slept in the same bed before it's ok" I say giggling he cracks a little smile and let's out a breathly laugh the walks out closing the door behind him
I went to the bathroom to change while jake changed in the room
We both finish changing and get to bed

Roommates (Jake x Johnnie)(jahnnie)Where stories live. Discover now