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"JOHNNIEEE ARE YOU READY??" jake asks from downstairs "YEAH JUST A SEC" johnnie answers
A few moments later johnnie starts walking downstairs
"No black leather jacket?" Jake asks as johnnie reaches the bottom of the stairs "yeah , do you not like my outfit?" Johnnie asks "NO, that's not what I meant, I love it- um I mean you look good " jake says then smiles looking away awkwardly johnnie giggles at him "you look good too jake , come on let's go " johnnie says smiling at jake

They walked out of their shared house they're roommate already left so it was just them

They reached the car jake put the location in and started driving
"I don't think we should get drunk this time cause I really can't deal with a hangover tomorrow " johnnie says
"Yeah that'd be for the best honestly we always get shit faced at parties " jake says laughing

"Can you put on some music? " jake asks
"Yeah sure " johnnie says putting on their shared playlist

They're at the party
Both of them agreed that they won't drink a lot especially jake because he drove them here
"JAKE AND JOHNNIEEE hey guys how are you?" Colby says giving both of them a hug "we're good man how are you?" Johnnie says smiling "I'm great happy you guys could make it" colby says "yeah this party is sick dude " jake says "thanks man " colby says then sam comes up to them they talk for a while then they go separate ways again jake and johnnie heading to the bar to get drinks

Now they were at the back of the party talking and laughing together
It was a moment of silence between the two till jake spoke
"Johnnie "
"Can we go out for a sec it's starting to smell like sweat and alcohol in here " jake says he wanted to says something else but he couldn't
"Yeah of course "johnnie replies smiling
The two walked out of the party

A few minutes later they're sitting on the grass johnnie looking up at the moon while talking to jake who wasn't really paying attention for what the other was saying
Instead he was just admiring his friend
"You're so pretty johnnie" jake says in almost a whisper johnnie blushes and looks at jake
"Thanks " Johnnie says then gives jake a small smile
"Johnnie "
Jake fixes the way he's sitting so he's now facing johnnie
"I've been wanting to tell you this for a while now, I- uhh I don't know how to say this I like you like more than a friend "jake says finally getting it out of his chest " oh, well I like you too jake " johnnie says
"Actually?" Jake asks he can't help but smile johnnie giggles then answers "yeah "
They stare at each other for a few seconds
Jake's eyes wondering around johnnie's eyes then his lips
They both lean in their faces getting closer and closer to each other's
Jake puts his hand on Johnnies cheek their faces now really close
"Can I kiss you?" Jake asks his voice nearly above a whisper "no" Johnnie answers Jake's heart drops

johnnie smiles then leans in closing the gap between their lips
Jake smiles in the kiss
It was a soft kiss it lasted a few seconds
They broke the kiss they're faces still close
"Johnnie, will you be my boyfriend? "
"Of course jake "
Jake pulled him for a second kiss
They both soon realized that they probably shouldn't be making out in a party full of people
They broke the kiss and decided to go back to the party johnnie called his old best friend sam and jake went to talk to someone

The call between johnnie and sam

S: hey man what's up

J:me and jake just started dating like a few minutes ago

S: took you long enough (sam laughed )


S:sorry sorry ,congrats johnnie

J: he went to talk to someone about something "important" (johnnie giggled )

S:and you're calling me rude?

J: true, do you think I should go check on him!

S:yeah and can you tell me what's the impression thing I wanna know

J:ok bye sam

S:bye johnnie

Johnnie decided to text colby cause he doesn't really want to walk around looking for jake when he can just ask someone who jake is probably with

J:hey colby have you seen jake anywhere?

C: yeah he's talking to me and tara rn

J: oh so what's his very important thing he has to talk to you guys about

C: well first of all congrats
Second of all can you please come to the kitchen and get your boyfriend he's jumping around like an idiot
C: oh sorry he said I can't tell you that because he'll look desperate 👀

J:ok omw

Johnnie went to the kitchen
He soon found the three of them talking
He walked up to them "hey " he says smiling "oh hey johnnie " colby answers
"Heyyy" tara says hugging him "I'm so happy for you guys jake just told us I swear he was head over heels for you " she added
"Thanks " johnnie says giggling
Jake just looked away embarrassed
"I think we should head home tho it's pretty late " johnnie says looking at jake "yeah yeah see you guys later "jake says agreeing with his boyfriend

Roommates (Jake x Johnnie)(jahnnie)Where stories live. Discover now