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(Jakes pov )

Does he think I'm creepy ? did I completely ruin my chance with him ? did I even have one in the first place ?? ...... is this ganna ruin our friendship? Am I ganna lose my best friend over something stupid that I did ?? Why was he acting weird? Could I have just avoided everything if I woke him up and we both went to our rooms ? is it actually a big deal or am I just overthinking it?

Me and johnnie finished eating a while ago
He's getting ready to go out with one of his friends and I'm just over here overthinking what happened this morning
"JAKEE IM GOING OUT WITH MY FRIEND SAM I'LL BE HOME IN A COUPLE OF HOURS " johnnie shouts from down stairs "OKAY " I shout back as then I hear the door close
Yeah I'm officially replaced
he's having out with sam again his best friend from yeeearsss ago
Honestly I think if he was into men he most definitely will be into sam
Like why would he even be friends with me?
He's beautiful he got like a thousand girls in his dms
Did I really think we're ganna end up together?

I mean he was starting at me a couple of times?
Was that just by accident ?
is sam the person he likes?
How did I get myself here why am I freaking out because my best friend likes someone
I'm just ganna go take a shower to hopefully get my mind off things

I get up and get some clothes then go to the shower

Time skip

I finished my shower and I'm home alone in my room I don't normally stay home a lot and johnnie doesn't go out so it's a little weird
I'm surprisingly not in the mood to do anything right now so I'm just scrolling on tiktok for a while

(Johnnies pov)

"Oh by the way how is your boyfriend?" Sam joked clearly referring to jake "jake is not my boyfriend" I say " never said he was " sam says "well kinda wish he is " I mumble under my breath "I heard that " sam says smiling"heard what?" I say "come on man talk to me I wanna knowww" he says whining "you won't understand plus I'm extremely confused right now " I say "I will understand just tell me I might help you don't know " he says "well something happened this morning and I think he might like me back but it might be just him being nice " I say trying to avoid eye contact "I KNEW IT, well what happened " he says
I explained everything to him
"Well I knew he liked you since the first time I met him " sam says "what how?" I say confused "you really didn't notice the way he looks at you?" He says "no ? He looks at me?" I say "yeah dude like all the time and he was about to kill me when I said I wanted to kiss you " he says "what no he wasn't " I say "johnnie you're literally clueless " he says laughing at me "but why wouldn't he tell me tho ?" I say "cause he thinks you're straight he doesn't know that you like him " he says "yeah you're right well what should I do?" I say "he's always flirting with you you could flirt back " he says "but what if he doesn't like me?" I say "then play it off as a joke but I doubt that he's literally head over heels for you man " he says "but when tho like he flirts with me in videos " I say "well you should be the one to flirt first then " he says "this is scary as fuuuckkk" I say covering my face with my hands

Time skip

I just got back from hanging out with sam
I went to my room to change into pajama pants and a random T-shirt
It's still pretty early to go to sleep now

I went to the living room and he was there sitting on the couch

I go and sit next to him
"Hey johnnie" Jake says smiling " hey" I say "how was your day? " he asks weird he doesn't usually asks about my day
"it was good we had fun " I say "that's nice " jake says  "how was your day? " I say "not much honestly just editing but mostly chilling " jake says "see your life is boring without me " I joke "it is, isn't it " jake says "jake , you never told me who you like? " I say "well you never told me who you like" jake says "well could you give me a hint at least " I say "sure, it's not a girl " jake says
"Jake is this you coming out?" I say "kinda " jake says "well mine isn't a girl too " I say

I feel like I made it to obvious but like he made it obvious too right?

We watched tv together for a while
"I'm ganna go get us snacks from the kitchen k?" Jake says "mhm" I humed in response
Jake went to the kitchen and I stopped what we were watching till he comes back

After a little while jake came back and handed me a dr Pepper then sat a bit closer to me so I moved closer to the point that our soldiers are touching he opened the bag of chips that he got then offered me some
We watched tv for a while then started talking about random shit

Roommates (Jake x Johnnie)(jahnnie)Where stories live. Discover now