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I woke up the next morning to the thrumming of multiple helicopters around my home.

Before I could react, bullets riddled the ceiling and walls.

I grabbed my wife and the bassinet.

I teleported us to the cellar.

The projectiles can't penetrate the ground level floor, not even heavy anti-tank rounds.

Healing Sylvia from a grazed leg, I looked at the bassinet and saw that two of my sons had been eviscerated.

Rage and sadness filled me to the boiling point. However, I appeared outside and cast a black hole spell that consumed all but two of the aircraft.

"Steel skin! Steel bones!"

I turned into a real life version of metal Mario... Sort of...

Appearing in the air over one of the remaining Apache helicopters, I screamed.

"Meteorite Punch!"

I'm glad that the direction of said punch was angled away from my house.

The helicopter's intricate and expensive impact cushioning design couldn't withstand the force released.

It was thoroughly crushed and the remaining force struck the ground and left an impact crater with the helicopter, along with shredded and flattened trees, in the bottom.

Two Hellfire missiles were launched at me and one was the blade type.

I focused on the other one, because of that.

When it reached me, I slowed time and grabbed it.

Ripping the warhead out, I threw it at the remaining Apache.

The propeller caught it but there was no explosion.

The other missile failed to do any damage and had simply fallen to the ground after being flattened against me.

When I hit the ground, I stared at the last aircraft.

It just hovered there for what felt like an eternity.

"Drâqním Vâschül." (Dragon Form)

My body exploded into a massive glistening blue dragon and the helicopter turned to fly away.

Sky dragons don't breathe fire. They breathe lightning.

However, the Apache wasn't likely to be hit, so I threw a boulder at it.

It clipped the ends of the main rotors but the damned thing somehow stayed airborne.

I returned to my normal body and went inside.

Walking toward the steps that led to the cellar, I heard Sylvia sobbing.

When I walked down, I saw her leaned over the bassinet.

I knelt down beside her and put my hand on her back.

"Stay away! I've failed you!" She wailed.

I grabbed her and pulled her into my arms.

"Just what do you think you could have done?

There was no possible way to stop what happened.

If anything, I've failed you, Sylvia.

I brought this on us." I cried.

"Then we're both guilty." She cried.

I held her closely and, when I felt her acceptance, it met the conditions for her not to be affected by what I was about to do.

Bun And Loaf.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt