Helluva boss: Murder Family🔪/Loving Boss

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Y/n is seen walking into an office where Blitzø is. He sits down next to her, and he seems lost in thought for a moment.

He then snaps back to reality and sees Blitzø talking to a client.

" You do everything right, You play by the rules and still get sent down here with all the Hit**ers and epst** of the world. " Blitzø shakes her tail and puts her hand on her cheek. It seems like she doesn't really care about the story of her client.

" Hey, you go to hell for not living the life you were given. Also, who could've cheated on you? You're fucking hot! " Y/n was listening to every word that she said. She looked at him and smiled warmly at the compliment, then continued talking.

" After one measly massacre propelled by blind rage. So that's why I'm here. " We finally see why Y/n said she was hot.

She was smoking a cigarette, and the smoke went around the room.

" To get my revenge. " she ended. Y/n smiled and spoke.

" We all want to get revenge. Isn't that why YOU are here? " He said. Matilda's eyes

" Shut up, Y/n. Anyways, was she Hotter? " Y/n's eyes twitched, and Matilda's eyes shined a bright red at that statement.

" I'm just saying, I had a hard time understanding the unprompted melodrama you just spat. " Y/n interrupted Blitzø.

" It's good to know the story first before killing them. Matilda's eyes shined red again, and her aura was menacing. Blitzø rolled her eyes and continued.

" Anyway, I don't think you quite understand  how we're operating down here. See, we take revenge out on the living, and it sounds like the core cast of your sitcom of a death, frankly, is all probably down here in hell with you. Boop! " Y/n looked at Matilda and saw she was quite angry at Blitzø.

" Not all of them. That whore survived. " Y/ns eyes widened, and he listened deeply.

" Now they all call her a hero. "

Y/n slammed his fist on the table and shouted.

" We must slay this nave! " He had a tick mark on his forehead. He then stood up and walked out the door. Y/n walks out to see Loona holding up a picture of an innocent family, and Moxxie is trying to shoot the picture with a crossbow.

" Moxxie, stop shaking! You're gonna shoot our only hellhound. " She gestures to loona and loona replies.

" Wow, I feel so loved. " she's uh...also on her phone. Millie continues speaking.

" Just take a deep breath, and let it out. " Y/n sat next to Moxxie and Millie. " But, It's a family! Under what circumstances would we ever need to kill a family? " Moxxie lowers the crossbow, and she faces Millie.

" If that's what the client wants, that's what the client gets, And kids...Are fucking nuisances. Some. You don't know if they're innocent or not. " Y/n said. He then used Blue to pull the picture out of Loona's hand.

" This kid probably sets dogs on fire, This girl probably gets off to bullying Australian kids online, and this guy... watches and beats his wife. " he gestures to the people in the photo.

" Exactly! Humans are full of secret nasties. That's why so many of them end up here! Y/n, Hun, can you pass me the chocolate bar? "

Y/n gets up and twirls around. He then elegantly gives it to her and sits back down.

" Thank you, Appreciate it. Anyways, guilty and innocent aren't our business mox. Killing who we're paid to is. Our. Business! " she grabs moxxies cheeks and looks her in the eyes. She then half closes them.

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