Chapter One

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Chapter One: A Girl with a Dream

You shout it out, but
I can't hear a word you say
I'm talking loud, not saying much
I'm criticized, but all your bullets ricochet
Shoot me down, but I get up
I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose
Fire away, fire away
Ricochet, you take your aim
Fire away, fire away
You shoot me down, but I won't fall
I am titanium
You shoot me down, but I won't fall
I am titani--

I was screaming on top of my lungs when someone interrupted "Will you shut the fuck up already? It's early in the morning for fuck sake!" I heard the door slams as I saw my step father walks in angry per usual. "No matter how much you sing or go to that stupid agency, you will never be a a fucking singer!" He yells at me while pointing his dirty ass finger

"Do you think a fat bitch like you could make a debut?" He smirks and slams the door as he went out.

He has always been like this since I was young, but every time he says those words, they still cut me like a knife. I take a deep sigh and look at the mirror. Well-- who am I kidding? I don't have the idol figure where you need to be pretty and slim, I don't fit their beauty standard. But is it wrong to dream? I just want to sing and dance and make people happy. I finish cleaning my bedroom and head to the kitchen to eat breakfast.

"Look, the fatty is out now!" My little brother Timmy yells while pointing at me. My stepfather and his girlfriend laugh. I feel a surge of anger and humiliation, but I try to hide it. I just roll my eyes and sit beside this stupid moron who is my half brother. He's young, so I tend not to care about what he says, he's probably been influenced by my stepfather. He's only 10 years old, how can he learn such a thing at that age? Poor parenting, I guess.

I'm living with my stepfather and his girlfriend, whom he met two months ago. And you're probably asking why I'm staying with them? Well, my mother died seven years ago due to a heart attack and I had no one else to go to. My stepfather said no one wanted me because I was too fat and I would eat half of their groceries. I shrugged it off because I knew that wasn't true. It was just that they lived abroad and it would be hard to transfer from one place to another.

My stepfather wasn't like this before. He was a nice man when I first met him, but when my mom died, his true color showed up. He became cruel and abusive, treating me like a servant and a burden. I badly wanted to leave the house, but I was still saving up for a place to live. Living costs were sky-high and I didn't have much money since I was still a trainee at Harmony Entertainment, one of the largest music companies in the world!

They told me I would be able to debut next year if I lost weight. I started gaining more weight when my mom died, probably due to stress eating and depression. She was the only family member I had since my dad left us for another woman. When she died, I felt alone and lonely. I was very socially awkward and shy around people, so I didn't have any friends to vent out to.

When I gained more weight, the other trainees started to mock me and call me names. They gave me the title "Fatty" and made fun of my appearance and skills. At first, I brushed it off, thinking they would get bored and stop as time went by, but they didn't. I tried to report it, but there was no action that was taken. So I just let them be, even though it hurt me a lot. I also tried to hit the gym and do home workout routines, but I couldn't see any changes in my body at all. I also tried doing dietary meal plans that I saw on social media, but still, nothing changed.

After I finished eating, I went ahead and washed the dishes. Her girlfriend was supposed to be the one to wash the dishes today, but she and my stepfather did nothing but make out on the couch while Timmy was preparing himself to go to school. I tried to ignore them, but I gave them a disgusting face as if I was about to vomit. They didn't even notice me, or if they did, they didn't care.

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