Chapter 3: To Crack A Code

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Levi admired the clean castle that sprawled in front of him – he'd had his team dusting and scrubbing for the second day in a row, but now he could finally say he was satisfied with the state of the place. As the sun set, long shadows began to creep up the stone walls and he entertained the thought that these were the ghosts of fallen scouts watching over them. He made his way into the kitchen just in time to hear the kettle on the stove begin to whistle – the universal sign of tea-time. Levi reached into one of the cupboards and pulled out a small metal tin containing black tea. The intricately decorated tin had been a gift from Jasmine and was his favourite tea storage container – it was wild how everything was a constant reminder of her. He ran his thumb over the markings on the tin and felt a pang in his chest – he was surprised by how much he missed his friend.

With great precision, Levi spooned in a carefully measured dose of tea leaves into the teapot in front of him – tea making was a serious business. The gentle rustle of dried leaves falling into the strainer stirred him from his reverie. He'd managed to convince Erwin that tea was a necessary work expense to boost employee morale, and though Erwin didn't completely buy the schtick, he allowed Levi the small luxury he requested.  Levi waited patiently for the boiling water to cool slightly before pouring it over the fragrant dried leaves. He was very particular about his tea-making and never entrusted the job to anybody on his squad. Though he had hand-picked his team for their prowess, not one of them was qualified in the art of steeping tea. The only other person he allowed to brew tea had suddenly confessed her love to him before running away to Sina for a week. She'd be back soon, and Levi hoped things wouldn't be awkward between them.

Petra set empty teacups around the dining table and Eren followed closely, pouring tea carefully into each one. Levi watched in silence, noting the rookie's nervous but determined movements. The silence in the room quickly faded as Levi's squad took their seats at the table.

"Sounds like there's a big expedition coming up." Gunther picked up his teacup clumsily and downed the drink in one go.

"In a month." Eld added, taking a seat next to his teammate. 

"Is it true we're planning to use rookies as back-up?" Petra looked around the table hoping the rumours were just that. Eren felt a sinking feeling in his stomach as he realised they were talking about his fellow cadets.

"Well, that's not a big deal. As long as Petra changes their diapers. You know, cos they're babies. And she's a woman." Oruo's poor attempt at humour earned him a few blank stares and a hard punch to the arm courtesy of Petra herself. The right hook landed with a satisfying thud causing Oruo to wince in pain, breaking his tough-guy facade.

"They've already been through a lot. Surely there's another way." Gunther's brows were knitted in concern.  

"Fact is we need all the help we can get." Eld spoke solemnly. The scouts knew most of the new graduates wouldn't make it through the first mission alive, but that was the stark reality of their regiment.

"You know Erwin. He would've obsessed over every angle before making a decision. He's always ten steps ahead of the rest of us." Though Levi didn't always agree with the commander, he had learnt to trust the man implicitly over the years. A furious banging at the door caused everybody's heads to snap.

"They're early." Levi sighed as he sipped his tea, enjoying the last moment of peace he'd have now that trouble had arrived. Hange burst through the door.

"Eren! Boy, the fun I have planned for you!" Their eyes had a glimpse of madness as they approached the cadet, arms outstretched.

"Good luck, kid. You're gonna need it." Levi mumbled as he and the others made a swift exit, leaving the rookie to deal with the mad scientist alone.

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