Chapter 17: Stars In Her Eyes

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"So...where are we going?" Jasmine's excitement was evident in her voice.

"Not telling." Levi's lips twisted into a small smile. He slipped his hand into Jasmine's, pulling her in closer to him. The likelihood of there being cadets or colleagues around was slim, and Levi planned to take full advantage of that.

"Your hands are so soft." He traced small circles on the back of Jasmine's hand with his thumb. He snuck a peek at her from the corner of his eye – she looked great in that dress. He couldn't help but notice how her curves were accentuated and soon he was thinking about what she'd look like out of her dress and in his bed. His thoughts strayed to all the things he could do with her.

"What are you thinking about?" Jasmine mused.

"Nothing." Levi stammered as his face grew hot.

"Almost there." He said, as the two approached a large lake. A small boat was moored to the dock. Jasmine smiled in surprise as Levi began leading her towards the boat. She had expected a restaurant or maybe a cafe for their first date, but Levi had clearly gone above and beyond. He stepped into the wooden boat before holding his hand out to her. She gingerly placed a foot into the boat, but her eyes looked slightly panicked – she could imagine the boat tipping over.

"Don't worry, I've got you." Levi gently pulled Jasmine towards him. As she brought her other foot across, the boat wobbled dangerously but Levi, true to his word held her steady. She chuckled nervously and smoothed out her dress as she took a seat across from Levi.

"You never cease to surprise me." She breathed in the fresh air and gazed out across the water towards the small island in the middle of the lake. Is that where they were heading? Levi untied the boat from the dock and soon they were off.

Levi rowed gracefully. He had pulled up the sleeves of his shirt, aware of how his strong forearms would be on full display as he rowed. He noted with delight that Jasmine's eyes would glance at his arms every now and then. In turn he couldn't help sneak quick peeks at her cleavage.

Jasmine eyed the surrounds dreamily. The water lapped gently against the side of the boat and she ran her hands through it, smiling.

"I bet you do this for all the girls." She teased.

"Nope. Just my favourite one." Levi winked and Jasmine's heart melted. Her eyes took on a mischievous glint and soon she was splashing Levi with water. He laughed without abandon, and the sound was like music to her ears.

Before long, Levi had covered the distance to the small island. Jasmine's eyes widened in surprise as she began to notice tiny details. Small fairy lights had been strung up in the trees, a picnic rug had been laid out on the bank and a large picnic basket sat in the middle enticingly.

"You did all this for me?" She brought her hand to her chest, touched by Levi's thoughtfulness.

"I had some help." He admitted. The boat hit the sandy banks of the island with a gentle thud. Levi hopped out gracefully. He held the boat steady and helped Jasmine disembark, before tying the boat to a nearby tree.

Jasmine kicked off her sandals and sat down gracefully on the picnic rug, taking in the breathtaking view before her. Levi joined her and began rummaging around in the picnic basket. His eyes lit up as he pulled out two glasses and a bottle of champagne. He scrunched up his face and held the bottle away from him as he attempted to open it. The cork released suddenly, and landed a few metres away, startling both Levi and Jasmine. They laughed as Levi went to retrieve the cork. He surreptitiously stuffed it into his pocket – a keepsake – a beautiful reminder of their very first date. He deftly poured the bubbly liquid into the elegant flutes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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