New ES OCs for Glcheairs123

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So I wanted to show my dear friend Glcheairs123 3 new Eeveelution Squad OCs for his ES and MLB books. They are triplets.

Here are their bios.

Shelly the Shiny Vaporeon:

Shelly the Shiny Vaporeon:

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Nicknames: Shell

Age: 17

Level: 99

Nature: Modest

Characteristic: Alert to Sounds

Family: Lunar (Triplet Sister), Katara (Triplet Sister), Neptune (Deceased Mother), Blade (Deceased Father)

Moves: Water Pulse (Prior Move: Water Gun), Hydro Pump, Aurora Beam, Surf

Likes: Her crush Dracyan the Jolteon, Her sisters, Kai and his friends, Summer, Shells, Pearls, Beaches, The Eeveelutions Squad, Ice Cream, Any Kind of Purple Colors.

Dislikes: Drazeros and his crew, Seeing her sisters hurt, Perverts, Her Ice Cream Melted, Winter, Peppers, Haunted Houses, Rocks.

Personality: Shelly is a very calm and kind Vaporeon. She enjoys hanging out with her friends and sisters on the beach. Her favorite summer treat is Ice Cream and her favorite flavor is Mint Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough with Chocolate Sauce and Rainbow Sprinkles on a Chocolate Waffle and Sugar Cone. She even finds treasures like shells and pearls in the sand.

Backstory: Shelly and her sisters Lunar and Katara were born to their parents Neptune the Umbreon and Blade the Glaceon. She and her sisters would do everything with their parents until She and her sisters were 5 years old. Their parents died when they were fighting an angry wild Ursaling and it also ripped out Katara's left eye in the process. The sisters were left without any caretakers to look after them. 5 years later, Shelly went to the beach to help her forget about the past. She evolved into a Vaporeon after finding a Water Stone in the water. Some time later she met a Jolteon named Dracyan and the two became lovebirds.

Lunar the Lavender/Violet Sylveon:

Lunar the Lavender/Violet Sylveon:

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Nicknames: Luna

Age: 17

Level: 80

Nature: Timid

Characteristic: Often Lost in Thought

Family: Shelly (Triplet Sister), Katara (Triplet Sister), Neptune (Deceased Mother), Blade (Deceased Father)

Moves: Discharming Voice (Prior Moves: Baby Doll Eyes, Charm), Draining Kiss, Moonblast, Zen Headbutt

Likes: Her crush Aerion the Umbreon, Her sisters, Kai and his friends, 80s and 90s Fashion, Care Bears, Popples, Flowers, The Eeveelutions Squad, Berries, Any Kind of Purple Colors.

Dislikes: Drazeros and his crew, Getting Hurt, Perverts, Rotten Berries, Horror Movies, Dead Flowers, Surprises, Steel Types.

Personality: Lunar is a timid and shy Sylveon who has a fear of Steel Types. She's mostly seen with her friends and sisters anywhere. During her spare time, She likes to plant Flowers and Berries. She enjoys fashion from the 80s and 90s. She also likes Care Bears and Popples and her favorites are Gentle Heart Lamb and Pretty Bit Popple. She's the only Sylveon who knows a Pscysic type move.

Backstory: Lunar and her sisters Shelly and Katara were born to their parents Neptune the Umbreon and Blade the Glaceon. She and her sisters would do everything with their parents until She and her sisters were 5 years old. Their parents died when they were fighting an angry wild Ursaling and it also ripped out Katara's left eye in the process. The sisters were left without any caretakers to look after them. 5 years later, Lunar went to a valley where she found a lot of different flowers to help her forget about the past. She evolved into a Sylveon while she was sniffing a violet. Some time later she met an Umbreon named Aerion and the two became lovebirds.

Katara the Espeon:

Katara the Espeon:

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Nicknames: Tara

Age: 17

Level: 72

Nature: Bashful

Characteristic: Quick to Flee

Family: Shelly (Triplet Sister), Lunar (Triplet Sister), Neptune (Deceased Mother), Blade (Deceased Father)

Moveset: Psybeam, Confusion, Psychic Fangs, Bite

Likes: Her crush Dravise the Blue Leafeon, Her sisters, Kai and his friends, Books, Anime, Baking Sweets, Quiet Places, The Eeveelutions Squad, Spas, Any Kind of Purple Colors.

Dislikes: Drazeros and his crew, People asking about her eye, Perverts, Loud Crowds, Getting her fur dirty, The Dark, Losing her homemade sweets, The Past.

Personality: Katara is a kind, gentle and sweet Espeon. She was once childhood friends with Bella. She enjoys reading romance books, baking sweets and watching anime. She prefers not to talk about what happened to her left eye. Like her sister Lunar the Sylveon, She knows a Dark type move.

Backstory: Katara and her sisters Shelly and Lunar were born to their parents Neptune the Umbreon and Blade the Glaceon. She and her sisters would do everything with their parents until She and her sisters were 5 years old. Their parents died when they were fighting an angry wild Ursaling and it also ripped out her left eye in the process. The sisters were left without any caretakers to look after them. 5 years later, Katara stayed home while her two sisters went out to forget about the past. She evolved into an Espeon while the sun was rising. Some time later she met a Blue Leafeon named Dravise and the two became lovebirds.

Hope you enjoy Glchearis.

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