🕯️ 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 2: 𝓘𝓷𝓼𝓹𝓲𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷🕯️

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Zander, a 4 year old boy was sat in the church hall, it was past any of the open hours of the church, in fact it was almost bedtime. He was running around the hall, through the rows and up the sides, playing with a small white rocket ship. Unfortunately the church didn't make much money, so really he didn't get a lot, but he loved it here, he was happy here, he could have all the toys in the world, but it doesn't matter to him, if it wasn't Father John who bought it, he simply couldn't appreciate it anyways.

He was allowed to play in the hall, however father was strict about him staying off the alter, as to not be disrespectful to the King and Prince of Heaven. Zander didn't know who they were, but father held such high respect to them, so he did too!

He was getting sleepy, tiredly he stood up and walked to his room, putting down the toy rocket as he went off to find his father so he could tuck him into bed. He rubbed his eyes as he walked, tired and grumpy.

He heard small movement from a room he passed, the designated prayer room, but it was not prayer, it was a faint wind sound. He turned around and stared at the door, before eventually reaching up and slowly pushing it open, he looked through the gap and his young eyes glistened in amazement.

Fathers back was turned from him, but he could see glowing yellow shapes in the air, they took the form of an eagle, a golden eagle, it moved according to fathers hands, the eagle slightly transparent.

"Father!" Zander called, immediately the golden eagle faded to dust as father whipped his head around, surprised at the intrusion, but welcomed him with a smile.

"Zander, you scared me son." He laughed as he beckoned him over. Zander did just that, once he was close enough, Father pulled him down to the floor and sat him on his lap. "Did you see that my boy? The bird?" Zander looked up at him, he previous exhaustion long gone and replaced with childish excitement. "Yes father! It was so cool!" He giggled. Father John laughed as he lifted his hand again, the child watched in awe as the eagle returned. It came up to him and sat on his lap. The boys eyes shimmered with curiosity and amazement as he reached forward to pet the eagle, but his hand went right through it. "Papa! It's a ghost-!" "It's not a ghost, Zander. Want to know what it is?" Father John smiled at the young child.

"Yes! I do!" "It's called an Advanced ability." "A what what...?" "An advanced ability. You see Zander.. there's so many jobs in this world, there's priests, there's cashiers, there's police officers, there's fire fighters, there's doctors, and there's so much more. But... advanced abilities belong to priests and exorcists alone. I am what you'd call an elder exorcist. I am experienced in exorcism." "Exorcist? What's that father?" "An exorcist.. fights against demons and lost souls. Demons and lost souls are mean and scary creatures, they hurt people and control their minds. Their strength are incomparable to us humans, but... with advanced abilities, we can beat them. There will be one day, a young exorcist unlocks his ability, that's when we know they're ready to fight, with a bit of training on how to use their ability. No exorcist has the same ability, all are different, all are unique."

"Father! I want to be an exorcist! Teach me!" The boy gawked in pure astonishment, causing father to laugh. "You are a motivated child Zander. That's a great dream to have! Hold onto it, I will not start teaching you yet. Young boys like yourself have no reason to worry about exorcists." He smiled as he ruffled his hair, with a snap of his fingers, the eagle was gone. "We're past your bed time, Alexander. Let's go and brush your teeth, yeah?"

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