"Mom Really"

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"I can not believe what I am hearing right now, am I hallucinating? Yeah I think I'm hallucinating because we can't  seriously be moving out no goddamn way not now and not "Ever"
"Mom you've got to be shitting me"
"Hey! Language."
"We can't seriously be engaging into this ridiculous decision without my consent, I have a say you know."
"Jacob! (She sighs) things are just the way they are...
"But mom come on...this is insanity!
"Hey! Jacob watch your tone when you speak to me, I've told you already things are just the way they are. You just have to live with it,deal with it and grow up!"
"Now,go to your room and pack up all your luggage we'll leave first thing in the morning."

"Great" my mom is dead-serious and yeah, I'm not hallucinating it's real and it's happening. I walk up the flite of stairs slowly and enter my room I take a seat on my bed and start to pack my things I go through some of my stuff and see a photo."dad" I miss you so much (sobs) I feel like,like if you hadn't left things would be different...mom walks into my room and asks me: "Different how?" She approaches my bed and takes a seat right next to me.
"So... What do you mean?"
"It's nothing mom ok, nothing"
"Are you sure?, remember you can tell me anything I'm always here and I'll always be here okay don't you forget that."
"I know mom but I'm fine,no need to worry."
"Okay then pack your things quickly and go spend one last time with your friends." My mom was just about to leave the room until I asked her: "oh yeah mom I was wondering... should I throw all our past family photos?"
"Darling,word of advice family photos are tools and power points that help to revive our memories and keep us strong when we're in desperate need of salvation."
'whether or not the photos bring harsh memories cherish them because when you're in need it will heal your wounds so no Jacob keep all of them and cherish them."
"Wow I must say I'm impressed my mom's got a hidden talent, she could actually be life coach than to work at that stupid office."
(Birds chirping in a distance, wind blowing against the leaves of the trees children playing in the background)

Hey Gary, I'm sorry I couldn't make it with you guys to watch the movies  it's just that last night I had a lot going on so I was a bit forgetful."
"Don't sweat it,man it's okay we could just hang out next week again... " Yeah.. about that there won't be a next time hanging out or a next week."
(Bob) "Why?, how come?"
"My mom just told me that we'll be moving out tomorrow first thing early in the morning."
"What!? Where to dude?"
"Ohio, we'll move to Ohio."(he says in a dim voice.)
I could tell by my friends facial expressions they weren't happy at all neither was I it feels like everything happened so quick,the thought of leaving this place gives me goosebumps I guess I'm just afraid of life out of New York but what can I say it's life I have to live with it,grow up and face it.

#CHAPTER 1"Mom Really"

Mirror Monster Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora