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I seriously couldn't sleep last night just thinking about what she said it creeps me out everytime I dive deeper into my thoughts but the aura of this place just gives me goosebumps, I think we made a mistake moving here ...
"Morning mom" I say walking down the stairs whilst rubbing my eyes. "Oh morning Jacob, you're up early..." Yeah couldn't sleep"  I say giving a vague expression. " Why? I mean you looked pretty normal to me, did something happen while you were outside? I told you Jacob you can tell me anything."
" I can tell you anything " huh? Okay let's start with this house first: it's  weird, creepy and disturbing not to mention the people here are creepy too I wouldn't be surprised if they were dangerous  and we have about maybe 10-12 mirrors around our house for what reason?  " I don't know." Maybe it's just for style or decoration but I don't believe that and who were the previous owners of this house? And why did they not take all their collection of freaking mirrors? and I forget to mention the town.... it's pretty ghosted to me Is that not enough for you mom and I'm 100% sure you've noticed that too..."Jacob...what's gotten into you ever since dad died you've acted... strange I know it's hard to take in, I know it's hard to believe that everyday when you wake up you won't see him again but like I told you I'm here just talk to me, tell me what you think and feel okay Jacob just tell me..."mom I've told you already it's nothing I'm okay..." Jacob I understand when I lost my mother I was about your age so it hurt me every single day I couldn't cope at school and I couldn't focus in anything and in any way. The pain just seemed to be growing and feeding on me so I made up things like,  self-illusions things to help me forget about what happened to my mother, things to help me forget about my mother. I realized I was wrong, I was making a mistake so I cherished every good and bad memory of my mother and it helped to build me again and destroy the pain that was feeding Inside of me,now I want you to do  the same." My mom thinks I'm creating illusions, creating a fake reality but I know there's something going on ahh! " Mom no,wait what you did is nothing compared to what is going on I know you're my mother and you want what's best for me but right what's  best for us is to leave this place before things start to get out of hand... you created illusions to act as a barrier to protect you from the awful truth, you made your own reality but what happening here is not creating or making a reality of my own it's real and I can feel it..." Oh c'mon Jacob what can you feel we've only lived here for one whole day..." It's okay mom leave it  but consider looking for a new place." I say while walking out of the house , who can tell me the truth? But at this stage I don't know anymore, what to believe or what to do..."hey! Harry where you off to?"
" I'm going to the store for my grandmother she's feeling a bit sick"
"Okay... can I escort you there? I have like a bus load of questions that I really need to ask."
"Sure" he says looking around and not in my eyes. " Okay about my house who were the previous owners? And what was their names?
" They were the Clover family they were rich and quite fancy..
" Wait you say "were"  so did anything happen to them?
" Oh, wait did I, I meant are the the Clover family,  no nothing happened to them they just left..."so that explains the mirrors in my house?"
" Yep I guess so" I could tell he is not being honest with me but I guess that adds on more to my curiosity. " Ok thanks dude, do you maybe know where is the library?"
"Oh yes it's just opposite the coffee shop down your left."
" See you later." I was on another journey a journey into finding out the mysterious previous owners of that awful house. There it was Ohio State Library(O.S.L) it was big, tall and beautiful that was the second good thing I saw in this place.As I got inside it was even more magnificent with cool posters hanging everywhere I was mesmerized and almost got lost just taking a stroll around the place as I was walking back I bumped into someone... "Oh, sorry"- when I turned I saw this woman dressed in a one-piece tight dress her hair short just down to her shoulders, she had a clipboard placed in her hand. she looked to me and gave me a gentle smile.
" -its ok, anyways hi Jacob... I was shocked almost to death, how could she know my name?- "um... Hi I guess" I say subtly. " You must be wondering, 'who the hell am I?' (she got right for sure) "I'm Miranda Robertson." She was telling me her name like it explained anything much. " Um,hello 'Miranda' but I came he'- " I know exactly what you came here for, 'books'...." Yes you right..." This lady was giving me the creeps, I'm not sure what made it worse: her smile or her eerie, ambiguous sentencing what ever you want to call it."Can I ask you a question? Not to be rude or 'impolite' but I mean, What Do You Want?" I asked emphasizing what I meant " I want you to follow me...
I followed her as she started walking, It was kinda weird but I guess I was just too curious.

"So, a few years ago your mother's Company needed this library to sponsor them, they needed us to print out a couple thousands of books so your mother was in charge of handling affairs such as those. So she had a meeting with our manager Mr.R. Walters, the person I'm walking you to right now." That was painful, all the creepy ambiguity just for a short explaination why couldn't she just tell me right away i must give to her though she really creeped me out.
"Wait Mr Walters, why are you taking me to him?"
"You can ask him that yourself " she said to me smiling all the way. There I was standing in front of this... Mysterious- Mr. Walter's shiny, dark black door,the lady started to walk away... I thought to myself: how on Earth can she just trail me off what I actually came here for to just drop me off in front of some library Manager's office door?, like I care.
I knocked twice and opened the door as I got in I was caught up in all the weird decorations around his office, weird things such as pictures of goats and more creepy ornamental things this was for sure an office of a satanist you would say if you were in here.
" Um... Hello.... - " I'm sorry if I you need to have a meeting you have to book one an'- " no, no, no I'm not here for a meeting thank you I actually not supposed to be here I was brought here by some lady, what was her name again..hmm.. yeah her name was Miranda Robertson.
He turned towards sitting down on spin-wheel chair he glanced for a few seconds and said: " oh then you must be Jacob Smearton, let me guess you're going to ask how did I know that?"
"No actually I already know that, I was going to ask what the hell am I doing in here? and why are you guys speaking in some sort of creepy ambiguity?"
"Your mother was right when she said you loved  to ask questions... As he spoke he reached to the mirror on his left hand side, on the wall covered by photos of family I could tell by the pictures that  he was a good family man or Is that what he wants people to think?
As he was fixing his bowtie I saw something weird, it was his reflection it was different, it wasn't him it was something else the thing looked at me and grinned it was smoky and black, it had this menacing expression on it's face like it was about to do something horrible I walked back in shock gulping and trying to catch my breath. I walked back without losing sight on this creepy mirror creature I walked back and reached for the handle of the door I was so scared and thought that it would kill me if I had made any noise I looked around only to notice that Mr. Walter's wasn't in the room with me anymore the air became thick and I got even more frightened, was I going to die? The window blew open powerfully and I heard whispers the gnawing sounding forced it's way into my ears and it was painful I turned back quickly towards the door behind me, I turned back to another  shocker the door handle was gone I tried pushing the door opened but I was useless I just kept on trying because I was afraid to look back as I was busy I saw this big shadow covering me I was frozen to death like winter had just struck my heart I didn't know what else to do so I just closed my eyes hoping that when I opened them again the air would be normal again and that menacing, horrifying creature would be gone. I breathed in and out and opened my eyes again, everything was normal again and I saw Mr Walters standing in front of me calling out my name:" Jacob, Jacob are you okay?  I gasped so loud and fell to the ground Mr Walters struggled to hold me up I knew he was going to shout for help but the last thing I need right now is attention, I just wanted to go home and be alone in my room.
The nurses had just come from running some tests they saw that I was okay and discharged me that same day. My mom was all so panicky and worried she checked my eyes and rubbed my face she then pulled me close to her and hugged me, she kept repeating:"I love Jacob, I'm so glad you're okay."- am I though?
As I got into the car I wondered to myself, 'what went wrong?' everything was so normal until I looked into that mirror, I asked myself many questions but I knew it wouldn't help. I'm not sure if it's Mr. Walter's mirror the one that's got the problem or if I hallucinated but all I knew was that it wasn't real, it couldn't be I convinced myself even though I believed it slightly, I needed help, I needed an upper hand, I needed someone who knows how to handle this type of situation but the question was where was I going to find him/her

I was so, so scared it felt like I was going to die the thought of it makes my skin crawl, I hate this place, I hate Ohio. God, I would do anything to get as far away from here as possible.....

Chapter 3-"the mirrors"

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