40 | approaching storm

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chapter : 40
approaching storm
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is it a good time or should i wait before we start the countdown, 5 chapters to go! until i mark this baby completed.

on the other note, Defying the Stars, my upcoming book's blurb and prologue has been released. Go check that out! I am taking it down tomorrow!

t h i r d p e r s o n

"One day you will get us both reported to HR."

Noor exasperates, her words mumbled out in puffs of air. Her doe eyes constrict at the offencer but there's also a mist of love and adoration covering it. She is lying in a daze of satisfaction, her lips smiling brightly at her husband.

Cheeks tinted with a beautiful hue of shyness. Kabir lets out a hesty chortle at her accusation.

"Mrs. Sood, I think you are forgetting who owns the company."

"With the stunts you pull, I won't be too sure if owning the company will give you an upper hand. Thank God I often skip wearing lipstick to work." She pointedly blames him.

Noor and Kabir lie together, on the very abandoned couch in his cabin. The couch did seem to be useful if not for sitting but in catering to other extra-curricular activities.

"Uhm, I wouldn't mind."

"Of course you wouldn't. I was supposed to work on the file."

"I think we worked very hard." Kabir jokes. His fingers trace the contours of her face, brushing his thumb against her slightly swollen lips.

"Kabir..." She attempts to get up from his embrace. The couch's a little small for both of them but Kabir had managed to pull Noor over him, such that most of her body is sprawled over his. Tangled limbs and faces touching.

"What wifey?"

"We need to get back to work." She might be right but Kabir has no intention to let go of his wife. He has never been someone to neglect his work not because he was a workaholic but cause he never had the right reason to skip.

Noor, his wife, is the perfect reason for him to take a break from work.

"Don't you think you are being too harsh on me?"

"I promise to treat the birthday boy to the fullest, but once we reach home."

"Now you have my attention, wifey."

"Yes, Mr. Sood. Let's get back to work." Noor manages to finally get up, pushing against her husband's chest who looks at her with a pout.

"I don't like you choosing to work over me."

"Are you the same boss who once scolded me for being ten seconds late for a meeting?"

"You were twenty seconds late and I wasn't angry at your tardiness."

"Oh? Enlighten me then, sir?" She presses her lips together, eyebrow-raising. Her hair's a mess, and the lack of clothing doesn't make up for the stern look she is trying to maintain.

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