IRL: part two

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Teddy was being murdered. In his half asleep haze, well, more like 75% asleep haze, he felt hands on his body. And he just knew he was living through a kidnap and murder scenario. Dear gods, if you exist; he thought; please let me not shit myself when I die.

"Move the fuck over, will you?" a voice above him said, the noise registering in Teddy's mind but not fully being processed or understood. Fuck, he was tired.

"Ask nicer dumbass, you know he's sensitive when he first wakes up." A softer voice said, though it still grated on Teddy's nerves. People should be allowed to murder sometimes if it meant defending the sanctity of their sleep. "Theodore, darling, sweetheart, princess? Could you pretty please move your thick, scrumptious ass to the other side of the bed so we can scooch in?"

He was awake now. And solidly not being kidnapped. Or murdered. But he might commit a crime himself in his grumpy grogginess. "Wha? Why? Fuck off." Teddy replied, squinting his eyes as he glared up at the faces of his two best friends and housemates.

"We forgot to pay the electric. Again" Arlo said shrugging, his blonde hair messy and indicating he had been sleeping too. "And they cut us off."

"It's freezing in here! No heat! We could die of hypothermia if you don't let us sleep with you." June added. Drama queen. "For body heat!"

"Or for sex. But we can do that after...bit too tired and cold for that now." the lanky blonde teased, foregoing politeness at that point and shoving Teddy's body to the far side of the bed.

Teddy knew he couldn't argue with them both when they agreed they wanted something. That something currently being his hot bod. Who was he to deny them? Now that he was more awake, he did feel the chilliness nipping at his nose. But he could tell the power hadn't been out for too long because it honestly wasn't nearly as cold as the other two were making it out to be.

Arlo threw himself onto the bed and crammed his body up against Teddy's side. Neither boy wore a shirt, so the skin of their arms and torsos touched and Teddy noted the other boy did feel a bit cold.

"Now make room for me," June pleaded, standing at the edge of the bed in an oversized sweater and mismatched socks. Her red hair falling out of her braid and framing her face, mascara smudged under her eyes.

She crawled into the bed, much more gracefully than Arlo had, and squeezed herself against the blonde boy. She lay on her side facing toward them both, curling her body in such a way she was tucked under one of Arlo's arms and had one leg thrown over both boys.

Teddy grumbled nonsense syllables as he gathered the rumpled blanket from his body and threw it over so it better covered all three of them. "Because I'm letting you both use me for my bed and body, one of you is responsible for paying the bill when we wake up. And the other one is cooking me breakfast. I was having a really good dream before you interrupted."

"Oh? How good?" Arlo asked, a smirk in his voice as he got more comfortable and leaned his head on Teddy's shoulder.

"Were we in it?" June murmured, her voice indicating she was already falling back to sleep.

"I said a good dream, not a wet dream or a nightmare."

"I'm wet dream material and June is nightmare material, right?" the boy in the middle of the two asked.

"Both. Each of you are both." Teddy responded before going back to sleep himself.

June woke up first and she could feel a slight chill from the hardwood through her stripey socks. She looked over at her two friends, cuddling together. Teddy's neck was bent at an awkward angle and would probably ache when he woke and Arlo was snoring and drooling a little.

She made her way into their small kitchen and grabbed out the ingredients to make pancakes and began mixing the batter. She tried to be a little quiet knowing the apartment was small and the walls were thin.

She plopped dollops of batter onto the preheated skillet and zoned out a bit as she made a stack of pancakes big enough to feed all three of them. She piled them on a plate, grabbed extra plates and put them on the counter beside a bottle of maple syrup. "WAKE UP BITCHES, I MADE FOOD!"

She made her own plate doused in syrup as her two housemates stumbled into the kitchen, now both wearing sweaters in addition to their boxers. Judging from the black color of Arlo's sweater, it was likely he'd swiped it from the pile of clothes on Teddy's floor.

"Shit, guess that means I'm paying the bill huh?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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