May 10th 1994

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*Chapter one - May 10th 1994*

I'm standing in the forest with Damon and Bonnie, we are ready for our deaths, or so we thought

I'm holding onto one of Bonnies hands and she is holing into one of Damon's hands with her spare

"Do you think it's going to hurt?" I ask looking over at the two, Bonnie looks at me and gives me a soft smile "I don't
kno-" suddenly we are surrounded by a white light

I presumed it was death until I heard Damon let out a cough "umm, Damon...Bon?" I say stepping back a little bit

Damon looks down at his hand that is still in Bonnies "Well that got awkward fast" he muttered letting go of Bonnies hand quickly

"So are so on the other side or..." I ask waiting for my witch bestie to answer my questions "no, the other side got destroyed remember" Bonnie explains looking around the forest that we are standing in

I look over at Damon who is just as confused as I am, shrugging his shoulders at my look

I Begin to walk towards leaving the Forrest when I hear Damon yell from behind me "where are you going Forbes?!" He yells

I turn around and yell back "Home, are you coming?!" Bonnie quickly runs so that she is next to me as we wait for Damon to move at a really slow speed for a vampire

"Damon hurry up" I groan at him rolling my eyes as I continue to walk out of the Forrest and into the street

When we finally make it onto the road, everything is weird, there's no one here and there's no cars driving around on the road either

"And I though the town went quiet when the Mikaelsons left" i mutter to myself earning a slight chuckle from Damon who heated me say it

"Where is Everyone?" Bonnie asks looking around confused, I then Realise something "Bonnie Bennet come here right now!" I yell as i sprint inside the Mystic grill

I run to our 'special spot' in the room and I point to a blank spot in the table "what, it's just a table" Damon states with confusion

"Me, Bon, 'lena, and Care all wrote our initials on this Table when we were like six, now there's nothing" I say feeling the completely smooth table with my fingers trying to see if there are any signs of writing but there's non

We would go back to that table every year and carve deeper into the table so our names would stay forever

I smile thinking about it but then my smile drops as I feel eyes staring at me, I spin around to see... nobody

Bonnie gives me a confused look as I stand looking around like I'm trying to find something "Zoe...are you alright?" Bonnie asks snapping me out of my trance

I turn to her and nod then I walk out of the grill, Bonnie and Damon follow me out and we walk along the streets

We get to Elenas old street where she burned down her house a few months ago after jeramy died and she turned her humanity off

While walking past her old house I don't look at it because I don't want to see it burned to the ground

But while walking past it Bonnie looks at it and stops I'm her tracks, I turn to her and then to the house

•his cell mate•Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin