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*chapter 2 - Repeat*

It has been a week since me, Damon and Bonnie have been dropped into this place, and since then we have found out that the day repeats itself over and over again

It's just a loop day for eternity basically and it is eating me away slowly, it's boring as hell, and the only thing I have been eating for the past seven days are Damon's gross pancakes because my mom and dad didn't have anything in the house on may 10th of 1994

The only thing me, Bonnie and Damon have been doing this past week is trying to figure a way out of this hell we are trapped in

Me and Bonnie are now sitting on the couch in Damon's living room while gossiping about all of the things that were happening before we came here

I was telling Bonnie about the time that klaus tried flirting with me and failed miserably so then he moved on to Caroline, my sister

"I can't believe he would even try and flirt with you, you say no to literally any and every guy that asks you out" Bonnie laughs as she sits across from me on the couch with her legs crossed

"I know right, oh and remember that time I accidentally siphoned from Klaus and he-" I suddenly get cut off by a annoyingly familiar voice coming from behind me

"Can you two stop talking about the mikaelson's for one second, Zoe you never shut up about them since they left, I know you were close so with Rebekah and klaus but can you please just shut up for at least one second" Damon complains

I roll my eyes then stand up from my seat and turn to him "Damon if you don't stop interrupting our conversations I will rip your black heart from your chest" I tell him with a sarcastic smile

"Alright Forbes, calm down a little ok, don't want your anger getting the best of you again" Damon taunts, putting his hands up in a defensive manner

Bonnie laughs at our bickering then stands up and walks to the kitchen, I follow after her and Damon follows after me

"Damon, your just jealous because I like Rebekah more than you" I laugh as I think of all of the fun times me and Rebekah had together

Like that one time we stabbed klaus for telling Tyler to bite Caroline, or that one time after she had a weird thing for Matt and she was like totally delusional about him and she would invite me to hers to have a 'girly boy talk bonding sleepover' as she called it

Or even the time that she wouldn't shut up about how people with the letter 'k' in their name were like, obsessed with me just because klaus was obsessed with me and so was a guy named Kyle from my school

And also that one time we found out all of the juicy secrets from Stefan and Elena when we had kidnapped them and locked them in the school

Well that last one wasn't really the funnest because care was tied up to and she was sick of all the messed up things Elena did with Damon after she and Stefan broke up so for her it was pretty much torture

I suddenly snap out of thought when Damon starts talking again "and klaus was obsessed with you, why did you like them so much Zoe?" Damon asks placing a hand on my shoulder

"Because damon, they understood me, unlike you and Stefan they didn't try and figure out what is apparently wrong with me because I'm a siphon" I reply as I shove his hand off me

After Damon finally shuts his big mouth, I keep walking to the kitchen with Bonnie so I can get a drink

When I get to the kitchen with Bonnie, she turns to me and just bursts out laughing "what's so funny?" I ask with a not so amused expression

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