Pork rinds

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*chapter 3 - pork rinds*

"ZOE!" Damon yells from downstairs, I groan and throw my legs off my bed then head downstairs to the raging raven-haired vampire.

"Damon what do you want?!" I growl, storming down the stairs in my some shorts and a baggy T-shirt with my hair tied up in a messy bun, obviously still looking hot of course.

"First of all, you snapped my neck you bitch, and second, me and Bon are going shopping, Wana come?" Damon asks with his tone laced with annoyance.

"I snapped your neck because you don't know when to shut up, and I would love to go to the store with you and Bon Bon thanks" I answer with a innocent smile.

Damon rolls his eyes at my response and then head's upstairs to go and get ready, I follow after and then go to my room.

I get dressed into some short shorts and a simple plain red crop top, and then I curl my hair and let it fall down my shoulders then add a small amount of mascara to my eyes.

I head downstairs and put on some trainers then grab a quick drink before Bonnie and Damon are ready.

I go to the kitchen and pour myself a nice cold glass of apple juice from the fridge while I wait for Bonnie and Damon.

After about three minutes they both come down and Bonnie has a list of things we need to buy from the shop.


When we get to the shop, I hop out of Bonnies car and feel the sun instantly hit my peachy skin, I breath in the fresh air, after not leaving the Salvatore house for around week, and it fills my lungs with ease.

I turn to Bonnie who is stepping out of the car with a look of lack of sleep in her expression.

I heated her up all night last night with Damon while they were arguing about weather or not Bonnie did do a crossword in her sleep.

Because last night, me, Bonnie and Damon were all sitting at the dining table, eating food, when Bonnie noticed her crossword was filled in.


"Oh my god Bon you finally finished the crossword!" I yell in excitement as I see 'Yellow Ledbetter' written on the crossword space that has been empty for months

"I didn't do that, are you messing with me, Zo because I swear if you are-" Bonnie starts with a expression of annoyance drowning her face

"No, Bon, I didn't finish you crossword, but I have known that that's the answer for months now, I looked at the back page with the answers duh. Oh, and just a tip Bon Bon, don't threaten me, I love you but I'm serious. Just. Don't" I smile innocently at the slight fear in Bonnies eyes.

I find it mind blowing how I can get my own friends to be scared of me. I chuckle to myself to which Damon shoots me a glare for threatening his new bestie.

"Bonnie, you probably did it in your sleep or something" Damon tells her so she doesn't start overthinking it like she has with everything for these past months

"I don't think she did a sleep-crossword, Dames" I tell him as I fork my food on my plate.

Damon just rolls his eyes and looks back to Bonnie, that is where there whole 'Bonnie did or didn't sleep-Crossword' argument started, so before they had chance to drag me into it, I finished off my food and went upstairs to get some nice beauty sleep.

*end of flashback*

"Come on, Zo, hurry up because I want to go home and rest, not stand here while you daydream about celebrities you find hot" Bonnie complains.

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